Random Thoughts

What is my future like? :crystal_ball:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Anybody else notice anything about the logo in the upper right for this channel??? :thinking:

Kind of like one of the original proposed logos for the ol’ AO.

I see the “a”, I see the “o”. Kinda lost after that. :thinking:

How does the office tower fit in??? Because we actuarials work in offices??? :thinking:

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not sure. maybe if it was spray painted on the hood of a car


Perhaps some sort of rocket ship with spherical booster tanks?

Silo with rolled bales of hay at the base?

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Needs a pointy nose cone tho.

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Not if they haven’t seen a mohel . . . or its equivalent

Dun & Bradstreet should snap that up as their new logo.

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Lorena Bobbitt also comes to mind . . .

I did one of those epsom salt bath floating things last night with my husband for his birthday. We did a 30 minute massage chair (which felt like a legitimate massage, the first massage chair experience I’ve had like that. I am considering forking over $5k to buy one of these chairs, it was that good, we will see how bonuses come through in another few months), a 30 minute sauna, and an hour long soak.

I have dermatillomania, mostly focused on my scalp/hairline and around my fingernails and I do NOT recommend the experience for others like me. Also I think an hour was about 30 minutes too long, I don’t have enough to ponder. I just felt like one of the pod people in the matrix.

It was a very interesting experience, relaxing for sure, was glad to have tried it. Probably won’t do it again.

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I’ve been wondering about those floaty things and thought about trying it sometime. The only time I ever heard about anyone doing it until now was in the Simpsons.

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I’m somewhat renowned for my french fries, theyre a staple a half dozen times a year or so for family/friend get togethers.
Kids are coming over for supper tonite, and I’m trying a new recipe - developed by a british chef. Cooked three times, supposed to be the best fries in the world.
We’ll see. I’ve already heard from two people that they just want the ones I normally make :).


Re: massage chairs. My wife wanted one years ago and I’m like sure, whatever, we will sell it after it sits unused for two years. I think it was like $3k. It is freaking amazing. I’ve had back troubles since forever and I use it all the time. Would recommend.



We have an older model from Positive Posture, looks a lot like this one:


I recently upgrade to Windows 11.

The alert-chime sounds ~exactly like the opening chord in Eddie Higgins Trio Deck The Hall Boughs Of Holly.

When I hear the term “late-model” I think that should by synonymous with “old-model” as in “he was so late in buying that model that it’s now super old, so it’s a late/old-model.”

Hi it’s my birthday. I have so far celebrated this day by making my own coffee this morning, I had one kid sit beside me and cough/burp all over the puzzle I was trying to work on, and I drove the other kid to school (she made me sit in the car for 15 minutes waiting to see if any friends showed up - I was just happy to hear she has friends now).

Hurrah for rounding up to 40!