Random Thoughts

When work sends a message early in the morning that IT is having issues with people logging into the system and they’ll keep you updated, and 3 hours later you still haven’t heard anything, should you assume you still can’t log in and just go on about with other stuff waiting for that update to say “we’re back online, everyone should be good?”

Asking for a friend, btw.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life it’s that there’s more than one thing to learn in life.

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What if there isn’t one thing you’ve learned in life?

But I have learned one thing.

Wait, we were supposed to learn something??? Are you sure of that??? :thinking:

Supposed to learn something? Oh, no. I’m not sure of that.
It’s just that I have learned that there’s more than one thing to learn… in life.

This pic isn’t from my family’s farm (no cattle lost there) but from another nearby rancher. They lost everything. Their home and their cattle :sweat: I don’t know how many head they had. But there are 50ish in this picture. Dead from the smoke inhalation.


I’m making bacon…in the oven…I’m going to add it to macaroni & cheese leftovers.

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This one?


in the oven is the way to go!

one pack of bacon is never enough. bc I eat it slice by slice (w some help) before it can go anywhere.

so note to self - by 2+ packs for christmas.

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No doubt…it just takes quite a bit longer, but it doesn’t involve a lot of interactivity, so you can set it and forget it as long as you set a timer to remember it.

I can’t get a full pack of bacon on one sheet, so it’s usually less than one pack per “event” for me, but, I hear ya’…a lot of bacon gets used up for purposes other than the meal it’s being prepared for.

related to the unintended consumption (by the cook). friend and husband were talking about cookie making for the holidays.

she made a ton of cookie dough and left in fridge to cool and cook the next days. like a snowball in the freezer, the bowl of available dough shrank considerably. hubby said “hey, you assumed I’d eat 25% of those. I was just getting to it early.”


I have a bacon tray for my microwave. It’s not as good as making it on the griddle, but it’s less messy to clean up. I like my bacon to be chewy rather than crunchy, though, and it works well for that.

Pic below for reference, where is GoA on the sweet spot for bacon doneness? I need to know who I can and cannot trust here.

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0 voters


Voted for 3. But anything from 1-5 or maybe 6 would be ok.

Assuming 1 is not in fact raw. Can’t tell.

I wouldn’t consider anything under a 5. Probably 6-7 is my preference.


It’s too small

TWSS? And this important topic very clearly needs its own thread.

Edited to remove extraneous word


I know I didn’t go into excruciating detail, but this response from a filing did surprise me:

Comment: Please explain the information regarding the large loss load pursuant to KSA 40-955(e) referenced in Exhibit 7: Ratemaking Calculations as of 12.31.202 in layman terms as the DOI does not understand your previous response.

I would go anywhere from 6-9, but I voted 8. :yum:

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