Random Thoughts

Good thing I didn’t get any Girl Scout cookies from the store because the ones we preordered are getting delivered today.


I actually had a seminar with Kellison when i was a working, test taking pre-ASA. Said he wouldn’t teach the Interest Theory seninar because, well, he wrote the book and that was all he had to say about the matter. :grin: Seemed like a nice guy.


Yeah kellison, pretty cool to have met him.
I had hardy teach one of my uni classes for a week. I always sat right in the front row. I caught her trying not to stare at me lol.

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Obligatory Raiders of the Lost Ark gif:

I believe Ford was supposed to present last night, but had shingles
Wondering if Hamill covered for him

I also had to get a new time-app (one that easily shows seconds) because the previous one (don’t remember the name) also disappeared.

It’s a bit unnerving that an app just goes away.

This probably goes to any religion thread ongoing, but …

Mrs. Hoffman, talking about religious beliefs of others v. gayness v. abortion - “All babies are innocent. And because of that, they’re condemned to eternal damnation.”

I don’t quite get that. There are a couple of verses that suggest that babies, while born into a sinful nature, are not yet able to choose from right and wrong. But you are likely to get a wide variety of opinions here.

Isaiah 7:15-16 & Deuteronomy 1:39 refers to a time when a child can/cannot know to choose good vs evil.

Romans 7:9 I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died.

I am stuck on the shittiest planet in the galaxy


Technically correct - the best kind of correct


Most of the others you wouldn’t be able to breathe on, so there is that.

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i got this thing i consider my only art

This past weekly Live Lesson (on properties of rectangles), I decided to mess around with that read.ai Zoom attachment.

Action item: “Jasper will calculate the length of the diagonal using the Pythagorean Theorem and provide the answer to Student A.”

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: No I tf will not! I will joyfully help Student A learn how to calculate it, though.


Im glad my names not Burt because then on the anniversary of the day of my birth people would say Happy Burtday and think they were sooooooo clever


Punctuation is overrated

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Your wrong


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?


Them’s fightin’ words!

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