Tomorrow’s NYT crosswords had a theme I enjoyed.
The juxtaposition of a future subject with a past tense verb is …interesting
Not even necessarily here, but it’s apparent when people say dumb shit because they’re looking for attention, and I recognize that trying to respond in even a semi-rational way just gives them attention they think they deserve.
And I have better things to do in life than entertain them.
I’ve got to concentrate concentrate concentrate concentrate …
I’ve got to concentrate concentrate concentrate concentrate …
Hello? hello? hello? hello? …
Echo echo echo echo …
Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbon, Manny Mota mota mota …
I’m actuarializing in the Dungeon when all of a sudden a couple of pages from an old paperback fall next to me on my work table. The top page had an image of a masked man stabbing another man and the book was titled The Red Mark. I think the furnace vent blew if off the shelf, but ya never know!
or a ghost is sending you a message
could make for a spirited discussion
Just grabbing a coffee on the way through Kingston, home of the tragically hip and sir.john a MacDonald.
My mother’s been doing some digging. Turns out my nephews are direct descendants of Louis riel.
Didn’t know where to post this. Was expecting to report it was fake. But apparently it’s true. Fact Check: It's true, "America the Beautiful" is played on New Mexico highway
Mildly happy thought, but with all the “America First” politics it’s hard to say this makes the cut any more.
Sounds pretty cool.
Might also be a clever way to reduce speeding if people have to go the speed limit to hear it.
Not anymore. They didn’t want to maintain it.
I’ve never eaten at Chipotle.
Food is good, but I hear the parking is bad.
I like it and they are opening a new one near me
Better than average fast food.
As with all fast food, don’t have high expectations.
Listening to child #3 talk for the last hour about their long-distance relationship they’re going to end and the reasons why, and I’m blaming Mrs. Hoffman for this because I never had this much drama when dating and thinking about pulling the plug.
Try saying that five times quickly. #manamana do doooooo do do do
you’re a good father