Random Thoughts

I use a lot of semi colons. More than the average person, by a lot. I have to be intentional to not use one on this post.

I wonder what percentage of my posts on here contain one.


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I use parentheses way more than most people.

English teachers used to chastise me about it until 11th grade when my teacher was like “it’s a lot of parentheses but it’s also your unique style”.

I do have to be really cognizant of it in business writing. If I ever publish the Great American Novel y’all will know it’s me by the copious quantities of parentheses. And the use of the word y’all.

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i use a lot of parentheticals.


I also use a lot of semi colons; more than the average person who claims to use semi colons more than the average person, by a lot.


People who want to use “karma” when discussing an event should have to pass a quiz beforehand demonstrating that they understand what “karma” is.

:thinking: It’s really weird how people always say “karma” in relation to bad / unfortunate events, and never to good / uplifting events.


“Arrears” is a funny word

I used to know someone named Karma.

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I know someone named Deija. Her last name is not “Vu”, thankfully.

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flew out of orlando today.

in every family around the complex, the adults look tired and stressed like ben afleck’s character at the end of argo when he;s trying to get the embassy crew through the airport, on the plane, and out of the airspace. and getting on board isn’t enough - you have to wait until they kids get set up w adequate entertainment (or out of Iran’s airspace) before they can breathe normally.

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today is town’s polar bear plunge

32 degrees, and snow and ice last night

i don’t even walk the boardwalk in this weather, as last time i did a split

I did do it once, no thought of it this year, I’ll just buy the merch

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and all merch profits go to Make A Wish

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I just saw a Domino’s delivery driver in a… 1964 Ford Thunderbird I think. Could be off a year or so.

How does this make any sense? I had a 1966 Galaxie in college, got 7-8mpg city. How does he make enough to offset fuel costs here?

What do you generally use to stir your coffee at home?

  • spoon
  • wooden stirring stick
  • plastic stirring stick
  • butter knife
  • I don’t drink coffee at home
  • I don’t drink coffee at all
  • 42 other things
0 voters

I put milk in, but never stir it

I live on a brick road, so my morning coffee is shaken, not stirred.


I drink black coffee, so no stirring needed

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Is this really how some employees are RIF’d in the US?