Random Thoughts

High school dances don’t even have a token slow dance anymore (at least, the couple that I’ve chaperoned haven’t). Perhaps that trend is moving into weddings.

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That is insane. What do those people play instead?

Last time we went to a wedding, my wife requested this:

(admittedly the groom and his family were old punk-rockers so it wasn’t too inappropriate)

This wedding had a lot of aughts pop and hip hop, pumped up with dance beats to make it even LESS slow dancing conducive. The slowest song they played all night was “I want it that way” but the tempo was accelerated and it was like a club version of the song.

I definitely felt sad at the end of the night. Again, I don’t feel entitled to what anyone else does at their wedding and wouldn’t dare say anything to them, but my husband and I have never had a slow dance as a couple because we had a nontraditional shotgun wedding and haven’t been to many weddings since, and really looked forward to that moment together.

We ended up slow dancing to a very non-slow dance song just to get that moment for ourselves, but it felt and looked pretty silly, I’m pretty sure. :slight_smile:

That is a sad thought. I hardly ever go out, so I don’t know where you’d find that. Maybe an 80’s night at a bar? Or a “adult prom night” event?

You should at least schedule a slow dance date with your husband at home sometime.

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Yeah, exactly.

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It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a bot post.

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Happiness mainly comes from our own attitude, rather than from external factors. — Dalai Lama

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

Seems to be the best place to put this interesting pic.

Take a guess what this guy is holding before looking at the answer spoilered below.

It’s a 10MB hard drive from the 1960’s

I got it right, but I didn’t guess the capacity.

I mean, if you ever took apart a 3.5" floppy disk it looks pretty much like this


In 1979 my Dad brought home a computer that his employer was getting rid of because it was old by 1979 standards. The CPU was about 3’ x 3’ x 7’ and then there was a whole separate standalone unit with the monitor & keyboard. It was so tall that my Dad had to sit on a stool to use it.

When I got my TI-81 graphing calculator he commented that it was slightly more powerful than that computer. Today’s Smartphones obviously don’t even compare at all they are so much more powerful.

I went to a rural HS that got cast off equipment. We had a PDP-8 (predecessor to a PDP-11) for computer science class. I knew exactly what that was since we used to have to load platters into the computer. Like a great big microwave oven door you opened, slid the platter in then closed.
It also had red lights to show the various processors’ current status, and switches on the front you could use to load instruction sets in binary/hex.

Someone bought 6 patio chairs off of us from marketplace this weekend. $30 for all 6 just to get rid of them.
They showed up with a honda civic. It fit one.

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I want to embiggen the number of participants in my escape room game: https://community.goactuary.com/t/escape-room-game-with-chatgpt/8001?u=1695814

@Marcie has been gone over a year.

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It used to be that the blue check mark on Twitter lent validity to the poster but now it’s more often a sign they’re off the rails.

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If any of you need it to rain at your house, just invite me over. I’ll barbecue some chicken wings and it will be sure to downpour in no time.


confusion and delay is what that looks like

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