Random Thoughts

3% middle of the night thoughts - how did I go from a person whose favorite pizza topping was cheese in her twenties - not even extra cheese, because that doesn’t taste the same, just basic cheese - to mushroom and truffle oil? Tastes are weird.

I’ll be 37 soon. Last night was the first time I ate a carne asada taco with raw onions. I have always scraped them off before. Not bad.

It’s actually the first time I ate something with numerous visible raw (and not pickled) onion by choice. I still won’t eat a McDonald’s burger, those onions scare me. Raw onions are terrible, but not as bad as I played them up in my head. But I seem to be making progress. Maybe by my 40’s I will conquer a Big Mac, unaltered. Nah, probably not.


Raw red onions have less of a bite than raw white/yellow onions.

Caramelized onions are so gooooooood!!! :yum:


Carmelized onions are good. Pickles onions are even better!

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I charged my phone for 10 minutes, got me back to 6%. I’m back, baby!

I wrote a question on one of the FSA exams for this sitting, but I wrote it over a year ago and haven’t looked at it since. The candidates took the exam a couple weeks ago and grading is starting soon so I pulled it up. I had forgotten most of it.

I wrote more than 17% of the points for that exam, since it’s shorter as of this sitting. I wonder how the candidates performed on it. I hope they did well. It was a fair question, but I’ve had questions get answered differently than I expect, which is interesting.


I has regrets.


Editor at Forbes took out all “math jargon” so median became average. Lol.

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That was mean.


I enjoy raw onion in small amounts, but too much can be overpowering. I’d say they are a must on carne asada tacos in appropriate portions. I also like some raw onion on my burger, but if it has a large slice of whole onion that’s too much for me. I’ll remove most of it and leave 2-3 rings on my burger. It’s been >10 years (maybe 20+) since I ate a Big Mac, but I don’t think it ever had too much onion for me

Sounds you might feel the same way. When preparing raw onions at home, you can greatly cut the power by giving the diced onion a quick rinse in water. I often do this when making tacos, and will use a large portion of the rinsed diced onion on my tacos. You might try this.

There are also some varieties of sweet onion that have a very mild flavor that are great raw. Vidalia onions are one such local variety here that are sweet and mild. Maui and Walla Walla are other sweet varieties you might find in your area.

Agree that caramelized onion is a completely different thing. The sharpness of raw onion is completely gone when cooked.


This week’s Ted lasso episode might be one of the best things I’ve seen in ages.

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You know, chatgpt would’ve been a big help when I was going through the FAP modules.


unless you’re a broncos fan. nttawt

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If you live in the US, and if you are married to a mother and/or have a mother, this is your reminder that Mother’s Day is Sunday, 4 days from now.

If you are not a mother but wish to be, please know I am thinking of you.

If your mother is no longer with you, my condolences.


I din’t know how I convinced myself for so many years that diet coke tasted good.

Or maybe it just doesn’t taste good after eating a square of Ghirardelli’s sea salt caramel.

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Coke Zero >>>>> Diet Coke if those are the only two choices. My body doesn’t like something about regular pop/soder/whatevah though (I think it’s either the sweetener or the coloring agent), so I switched to Zevia.


Coke Zero is way too sweet for me

I think if I was starting from scratch now, Coke Zero might be my choice. It tastes closer to regular Coke.

But I started drinking Diet Coke years ago and it’s my crack, and while Coke Zero is good, I’m on team Diet Coke.

I rank coke zero>diet pepsi>diet coke for personal consumption. on falvor and lower caffeine on the left. (I’m playing a volume game here that might get crushed by the new moderately caffeinated fizzy waters.)

“inactive” ingredient in the anti-burn spray in our first aid kit: propane :neutral_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I’ve had lots of people call me a “Mother” . . . does that count? Should I expect a card and some flowers?

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Coke Zero is way too sweet for me

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