Random Thoughts

Seems like there’s more humble bragging than personal disappointments.

Coleslaw is surprisingly delicious on a number of other food items, such as pizza.

cole slaw is just the american version of sauerkraut, which in turn is just the german version of kim chee


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sauerkraut and coleslaw are just the Westified versions of kimchi

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Fresh cabbage is not an American/Western version of fermented cabbage.

Or more generally… fresh X <> fermented X for all values of X.

Are bread and beer different versions of the same thing? Fresh grapes and wine?

Nope. Not true of cabbage either.

Now the distinction between kimchi and sauerkraut I’ll give you.

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Sauerkraut and coleslaw are both tasty but not even close to similar beyond that. Not much of an opinion on kimchi.

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I like good coleslaw. Sauerkraut wasn’t terrible as I’d expected it to be. I don’t think I’ve ever had kimchi.

Whenever my dog is clingy and annoyingly attention seeking, I’m retroactively embarrassed for my college-age self.

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You and I should go for Korean BBQ some time.

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It’s like Asian sauerkraut.

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Yeah, boss. BTW it is Thursday. :dog:

It’s just like coleslaw, only slightly more in a state of microbial decay.

I just watched someone’s Ring video on nextdoor and a little kid is telling someone (another kid? a dog? Can’t really tell) to go home and then he whines, “Not go homing,” and that made me laugh even though it’s not why the video was shared.

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There is an alarming number of 1990s Pontiacs running around my city.

This is shocking. I had a 1994 Pontiac, and it died a horrible death of a catastrophic engine failure at 95,000 miles (the famed Quad4 engine). I am surprised any 1990’s era Pontiacs still exist in running condition. Last GM car I will ever own.

The 3800 V6 is quite durable.

Staying in a rental condo for the weekend. Went to set up wifi and lots of other condos wifi also listed. One was named: 99 problems and wifi ain’t one. For some reason that really tickles me.