Random Thoughts

I picked up a few cans of dog food as potential replacements for the Costco brand ones. I thought a couple of the cans looked different. I realized why when I went to open one and it didn’t have a pull ring. I don’t remember the last time I used a can opener before today.

Most cabs come with door handles. You just pull them.


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I remember the last time I used a can opener. Stupid some sort of thing that doesn’t open normally but instead takes the full top off. I threw it in the garbage.
Then it got fished out of the garbage and I got hell for throwing it out. So.yeah, I remember it.
What can I say. I solve problems, and the can opener was a problem.

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I got one of those openers too. It leaves that nice, sharp edge on the can. :roll_eyes: :unamused:

12 posts were split to a new topic: Car Buying During Pandemic Conditions

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: treat yourself to a can opener you like. You and your wife are members of a socioeconomic class where you can afford to be a two-can-opener family.

Are you really so short of cabinet space that you can’t fit his and hers can openers???

We have the most cabinets that our retired kitchen guy ever installed in his career. We aren’t short of space.
Nevertheless, none of that space is available for my use. Best if we just accept that and move on.

You’re not allowed the space for a can opener?!?!

You’re married right?
I’m gonna have that conversation for a utensil I use once every 20 years and likely won’t ever again?
This isn’t the first time ive been told it’s not my kitchen lol.

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Most of the canned items I have don’t have a pop top. Canned vegetables and tuna primarily. I guess I have a very different pantry than the people here who never use can openers.

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Well my husband rarely does anything in the kitchen, but if he felt half as strongly about the can opener as you do, I’d certainly allow him the space for a can opener of his choice. That’s a really small concession, and I’d much rather have two than have him throw away mine. :woman_shrugging:

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We have control issues in the kitchen. I mention it occasionally. Generally after enough time has passed that I’ve forgotten how it went last time I mentioned it.

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I know dat feel.

and people wonder why i don’t wish to get married again.

I’m jesting. Marriage is great.

I have things I don’t argue about, but just do it Mr aj’s way. OTOH I have decided to ignore him on the subject of what we need in the kitchen. Right now he thinks we need a new set of pots and pans. But we use our cast iron skillets for almost everything. I spent a few hours researching and none of the sets really meet our needs. Then I asked myself why I am researching when he is the one who thinks we need something different. So I stopped.

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Could it be that the reason that the cast iron skillet is used for “almost everything” is that the current set of pots/pans are deficient in some manner?

For example, I’m reluctant to use our aging “non-stick” cookware because the coating is deteriorating.

My best friend’s gonna be a grampa in the fall!!!


I’ve had this same exact thought about a former employer. I know while one person was there, I definitely wouldn’t have been rehired [which is OK, I wouldn’t work under that person again in any circumstance and would tell any employer thinking of hiring that manager the same thing].

It’s why when someone in their HR department tried to get me to apply for an open actuarial position there shortly after I left, I thought about seeing how far I got through the process before that person shut it down.