Random Political Thoughts

Not necessarily political, but…

The most tragic thing in the world is a man of genius who is not a man of honor - George Bernard Shaw

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Argh! The vaccine-microchips have been activated!!!

Isn’t this the plot device for the first Kingsmen?

I think I saw a British documentary once about this plot to use cell phones to turn people into zombies. I think it was called Dr WHO, presumably because it’s all part of a WHO conspiracy to create one world government.


My locality’s Facebook group had a journalist seeking locals who had student loans forgiven and the mostly conservative Boomer subscribers are apoplectic about liberals who want everything free.

I’ve been asking them to confirm that they oppose the Public Service Loan Forgiveness programs, and that they think teachers should have this incentive to join a low-paying career in education taken away, thereby encouraging them to reject education and take a more lucrative career path.

Nobody’s responded yet? Weird. They love to complain.

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Yet they’ll be the first to voice concern about teacher shortages, while continuing to offer no solutions or anti-solutions. :man_facepalming: Doctor, my head.

Some of them probably think that any College educated teacher is a commie anyway. No point in subsidizing them.
(unless “college” is Liberty University or similar.)

A right wing populist in the Trump mould has shifted the political axis in still another country. Javier Milei has won almost 30% of the vote in the first round of presidential voting in Argentina.

Admittedly Argentina is in need of some sort of change. However Milei’s message is “If we win, one of the things that is going to happen is that the political system as we know it today will cease to exist”. That could be read ominously as he has authoritarian tendencies.

Of course, he has had the customary interview with a fawning Tucker Carlson.

He will lose in the runoff. He actually did worse than expected in the primary.

He’s basically another authoritarian that is cloaking himself in populism and bad economics.

Its a shame because Argentina could use competent leadership. Nobody seems to fit the bill though.

Even the (mostly anarcho-) libertarians in the US that were having wet dreams over the prospects of one of their own being elected are conceding that.

They’re still overjoyed that his party has won a credible number of seats in the legislature.

I hope you are right about him losing the runoff.

Republicans in the house are acting/cheering like they really accomplished something.

(Checks past accomplishments, seeing none…)
Cause for celebration!!

I mean, they did the equivalent of open the front doors for day’s business essentially. Monumentally uninteresting as it’s the bare minimum, but at least we did that.

Why does this courtroom sketch of Trump look like Lindsey Graham to me?

Because the hands are too big.

Because he looks so pathetic?

An example of why safety regulations matter:

It was hardly the last serious accident at SpaceX. Since LeBlanc’s death in June 2014, which hasn’t been previously reported, Musk’s rocket company has disregarded worker-safety regulations and standard practices at its inherently dangerous rocket and satellite facilities nationwide, with workers paying a heavy price, a Reuters investigation found. Through interviews and government records, the news organization documented at least 600 injuries of SpaceX workers since 2014.

Many were serious or disabling. The records included reports of more than 100 workers suffering cuts or lacerations, 29 with broken bones or dislocations, 17 whose hands or fingers were “crushed,” and nine with head injuries, including one skull fracture, four concussions and one traumatic brain injury. The cases also included five burns, five electrocutions, eight accidents that led to amputations, 12 injuries involving multiple unspecified body parts, and seven workers with eye injuries. Others were relatively minor, including more than 170 reports of strains or sprains.

The more than 600 SpaceX injuries Reuters documented represent only a portion of the total case count, a figure that is not publicly available. OSHA has required companies to report their total number of injuries annually since 2016, but SpaceX facilities failed to submit reports for most of those years. About two-thirds of the injuries Reuters uncovered came in years when SpaceX did not report that annual data, which OSHA collects to help prioritize on-site inspections of potentially dangerous workplaces.

Musk himself at times appeared cavalier about safety on visits to SpaceX sites: Four employees said he sometimes played with a novelty flamethrower and discouraged workers from wearing safety yellow because he dislikes bright colors.


Wow. I saw some articles about “Musk bans safety vests” and just took them at face value as they didn’t have much significance in my day-to-day. Specifically quoted that he’s “banned safety vests”.

Looking through this article which those relied upon, “ban” doesn’t show up. And it’s 4 employees claiming this.

I’m no Musk fanboy and the Reuters article is a bad look for them, but terrible journalism beyond it. I should have known when a top hit was Daily Mail.


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What do we want?
When do we want it?
As the limit of Δt goes to zero!

Oops, that might be an introduction into calculus.

Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho!
Abelian groups have got to go!

No, wait, we actually want them back.