Quitting/PTO/Etiquette/Give Me Money

Long story short:

  • I have a lot of PTO saved

  • My state does not legally mandate PTO paid out unless it’s in the company policies

  • It’s not in our policies

  • I have given my notice of quitting but not formally a letter with a date, HR is failing to answer some questions (see below)

  • Our HR is incompetent and isn’t responding to my direct questions to have answers in writing around this topic

So, questions two:

  1. If HR says in writing that PTO is paid out, which is not in our policy - legally binding? I’ll save screenshots, etc., if so.

  2. Would you stretch this as “I’m not quitting, however am taking 10 days of PTO”? Maybe that’s a little excessive and I’d take 2 Thursday-Fridays for 4 total, and lose 19 days of PTO. Either way, I’m going to be a lazy “in 20 minutes late, full hour lunch, leave when I feel accomplished” employee.

If it doesn’t pay out, I would do my best to resign effective [# of PTO days] after I plan to stop working and use the PTO. Hopefully there isn’t a company policy against this and to the extent there is a company policy about it you have a good relationship with whoever needs to approve this approach.

Your state sucks.

Your company sucks.

I’ve got max PTO (so I don’t accrue unless I take a day, and I accrue almost a day every pay period), I’ll get all that if I quit. I earned it, and it’s on the company’s books as a liability.
Check your next company’s HR policies, please. (I have noticed that my company’s employees in certain other states don’t get to accrue as many PTO days as I do, cuz those states suck.)

I believe I will work with my management with the statement,

“I would like to take X days and I will generally be free to log in and answer questions or do a little work as needed, but there is no way I’m going to be enthusiastically productive with burnt PTO and quitting immediately after.”

So I might take 8 days off in the next 10 and log in as needed to do a little bit here and there.

Use of the PTO is dependent on manager approval and I will be losing at minimum 12 days, but it is what it is.

I’ll assume that the nature of your employment is “at will.”

In that case, the moment that management knows that you’re quitting effectively after the end of your PTO, you’re likely to be terminated immediately. Why should they keep paying you for no productive value?

I just got out of a meeting with management.

I am taking 4 paid days of the next 9 that are “I’ll be around but only as needed for questions, etc.”

The remainder is “I’m here to work to wind down projects, but I am absolutely taking a long lunch and might bounce a little early.”

Manager seemed to agree this was a good way to not burn a bridge but advocate for myself.


I think policy includes actual practices, not just written policy documents. If you know anyone who left the company, I’d see if they can check whether they had PTO paid out. If they have paid it out in the past, I think there is a decent legal argument that they have to pay it out for you.

I am checking this immediately both with coworkers and two lawyers I’m close to. Thanks.

Funny how the burning bridges aspect is never about the company’s doing petty things like not paying PTO that it can clearly afford (assuming the company is not going under very soon).
Not in the “funny, haha” definition, either.

We don’t get PTO paid out :frowning: It changed a couple years ago. Moving companies soon with almost 2 full weeks accrued. Though I have been coming in a little later, leaving earlier, skipping some town hall type of meetings that don’t seem relevant anymore.

I was in a similar spot earlier in my career with lots of saved up PTO that I knew wouldn’t get paid out. I intentionally took some extra PTO before giving my notice because once notice is given then it all becomes a bit tougher, where taking PTO can be viewed as burning a bridge. It can be tough if you have A LOT of PTO though. Given your position with notice given I think your outcome is the best you could have hoped for.

I became more liberal with taking half-Fridays off many weeks over the past few months. I’m salty to lose something like 17 paid days, but not especially mad at the company. I’m taking summer vacation, baby!

The company burnt the bridge. I’m guessing any coworker who sees this knows who I am but I’d rather not specify. I’ll go back if I regret my move, because I need a job still.

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My company doesn’t pay out all PTO, and if you’ve been with the company less than 5 years, it pays out no PTO unless you’re RIF’d.

They also don’t allow you to take much, if any, PTO after putting in your notice.

It’s not my favorite thing about them, to be sure.

We used to pay out unused PTO.

Then we moved to everyone above mid-level being on “self-managed time”, so there was no formal PTO to accrue, to avoid big payouts to workaholics.

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My company pays out a max of 10 days of accrued pto. They also say that you cant take any after youve given notice. Wonder how that works w an extended notice period


Another thing I dislike about our PTO payout policy: if you roll over any PTO at the beginning of the year (can roll over up to 10 days), your PTO payout is reduced by that amount, EVEN IF you use all of it up. They treat it as the last PTO you can possibly use.

So if you roll over 10 days, then get your PTO balance down to zero in February, then quit in December and have 12 days of PTO, they would only pay out 2 days. Which makes absolutely zero sense.

They recently increased the number of PTO you can roll over from 5 to 10. I wonder if paying out PTO was a factor. I’m aiming to roll over nothing after this year. Not that I’m planning to quit, but if I do, I want my full payout.


Thank you but I have thoroughly scoured our policies, consulted the law myself, and consulted a couple of lawyers who are friends.

I’m losing almost 4 weeks of PTO.

Wow, how much do you accrue in a year?