Queen Elizabeth II (the non-RIP thread version)

  • I’ve had a “homeless dude” show up at my door expecting to be served food. (Turned out to be my neighbor’s brother who was drugged out.) Did not invite into my house. Called police. Remained polite and firmly required the individual to remain outside (weather wasn’t bad and the individual did have a jacket). Offered water and a snack (not the cheeseburger that was requested).

  • I’ve had a (different) “homeless dude” show up at my door asking if there was some work he could do to earn some money. We had leaves to be gathered; so offered the guy $20 to rake things into a pile in the front yard (near the curb for the city to collect later in the week). Ended up giving the guy $30 and a box of food.

Bottom line: I don’t think asking a “generic” question like you did is going to get quite the response you’re looking for. That is, I treat everyone who I do not know on a personal basis that comes to my door differently. (And this would include POTUS or any other widely-recognizable “celebrity”.)

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Yeah it’s a character from game of thrones that won’t be allowed to be in arms reach of the throne despite having being closely related the king

I thought it was the guy from house of the dragon who was really Dr. who/ Prince Phillip in disguise.

Yes. You’re right

Probably, but my grandmother rode on that ocean liner a number of times. I’ve been on it, back in the olden days when visitors could board for a “sending off” party.

Is that a comparison to Prince Andrew then?

Is the US president Donald Trump? I’m calling security to get him the hell out of my office.

Perhaps. Andrew has been rumored to be teh sexoring underage women, and that is what this character did (or, rather, tried to do) in the most recent episode.
This one happened to be his niece, but I don’t think Andrew’s rumors go there. Yet.

pick your favorite president. alive or dead

My favorite president who I’m familiar with vs a homeless person who I know nothing about doesn’t seem like a fair contest.

If he’s dead and walks in my office I might be a bit weirded out though.


Kennedy, Obama and Lincoln probably… in no particular order

The Dead Kennedys


I prefer my presidents alive

Is the President being accompanied by Secret Service agents, and how are they reacting to the homeless dude.

Either way, I’d be pissed at their entering my home without my letting them in.

I was actually in my office when I read that picturing Barak Obama just wandering on in :heart:

What if the president was dressed like a homeless dude and the homeless guy was in a suit with a secret security detail?

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Tan suit?


For a while I had to regularly visit an office in the same building as where President Clinton had his post-Presidential office at the time. You could tell when he was in the building because security was a bit tighter.

One such trip, both times I rode up in the elevator, I was accompanied by women of a certain age, with big hair, headed to the floor of his office.

So, were either you or the women of certain age, homeless at the time?

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