Political truths that are worth sharing but aren’t funny

Embarrassed to say I have read nothing by John Ralston Saul despite the high esteem he is held in on this side of the border for his prescience. I will request Voltaire’s Bastards as well as his Collapse of Globalism on my Kobo. Thanks.

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A few of the commenters in that article mentioned Saul’s later book Unconscious Civilization as his culminating work, so I’ll keep an eye out for that one as well. Not as catchy a title as Voltaire’s Bastards.

I wonder if social media or at least Facebook is losing engagement. Today it alerted me to a new reactions (e.g. an emoji) that someone made to my bil’s recent post. Who cares?

This might mostly be a problem from the internet. As in buying my first house was hard but I made that a priority to make it happen and this was before everyone saw that everyone else had everything.

Are those same people having a big party in their parents back yard so they can blow up some shit to announce what gender their baby will be?

When I had kids, I saved that money so I could afford diapers.

I’ll bet they talk about it IRL as well.

The average age for first time homebuyers is now 38. There was a time when it was late 20s. Maybe that’s because everyone is throwing big parties. Maybe it’s because $60k doesn’t go very far in 2024.


Problem now is that younger people are not starting families and having children because their housing situation is so precarious.

There is a big difference between scrimping in a house you are paying for (thus have some security of tenure) vs a house you are renting (with far more limited security of tenure)

This has become a real problem in countries like US, UK, Canada.

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The ratio of median income to median home price has gone from something like 5.5 to 7.0 in the past 20 years. I suspect part of that is due to square footage and the quality of finishes expected.

With everything online and the influence of social media, people feel a stronger need to show and buy more house than they can afford just like they all do stupid shit like the gender reveals.

It’s not the cost of the party, it’s the entire mentality.





Not funny? check
Truth? check
Political? has been made political

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Political? check
Truth? maybe a bit of an overstatement, but whose counting?
Not funny? perhaps the meme is a little funny, but the likely cabinet disaster isn’t funny

OK unless it’s funny


I don’t know those two people so can’t be sure this is truth about them. It certainly could be. And is Political and Not funny.

What really adds to the confusion to me is if the one on the left finds women attractive then it gets messier.

It’s funny how Sweden is preparing for nuclear warfare and americans are bickering about bathrooms.

Sweden just doesn’t understand what’s really important.


Why? There are plenty straight men out there, both trans and cis.


Per request, I moved the long tangent discussion on Artificial Intelligence to a new thread.
