Some guy commented on my cousin’s Facebook that he is glad Trump is finally having his series finale. I responded that I hope it’s a clip show like Seinfeld (as opposed to introducing new material). He came back with “I’m hoping for the dream season of Dallas”.
Guess what day it is!
GUESS what DAY it IS!
Mike Mike Mike Mike Pence, guess what day it is! HAHAHAHA!
Dump Trump on Hump Day!
How happy is most of the world today? As happy as a camel on Wednesday.
Some of the new Bernie memes make me chuckle. This one is funny, and there are several other good ones in the replies:
With Tom Hanks leading last night’s festivities, I’m wondering if he’ll be playing Trump in a future movie. Possible titles:
Forrest Trump
The Post - FAKE NEWS!!!
Where are their laser beams?
Apparently Ted doesn’t know how to google because Babylon Bee is a parody site.
The Republicans are a complete parody of what they used to be, so it counts
Now might be a good time to build that wall
So 5G does cause COVID, but only through Trump’s twitter feed.