Never mind. Found it. Bizarre interaction.
Yes. On 9/11 he visited both ground zero and the PA site of the crash. While visiting first responders in Shanksville, one of them, a Trump fan, asked Biden to put on his hat. They had an intentionally funny back and forth then Biden briefly put it on.
I do not like Swift’s music
I have nothing against her, actually she seems to be a very kind and generous person and
gets a lot of criticism for stuff she has no control over (like where the NFL points their cameras
But if ever discussing her music, I feel I need to add a disclaimer, that it isn’t personal
Not sure there has been another performer I have needed to do that for
Before Mini Me got into popular music I could not have named a single Taylor Swift song. I’d only heard of her because of the Kanye VMA thing when Facebook was a new (to me) thing. Had Kanye dissed her before I joined Facebook I would not have heard of her for another decade at least.
But now Mini Me is a devoted Swiftie and I can identify a lot of her songs (by no means all of them) and even sing along to some. When you talk about the song Cruel Summer I will ask if you mean Bananarama or Taylor Swift rather than assuming you must mean Bananarama.
I will always prefer 80s & 90s music, but Taylor Swift’s songs are catchy and fun to sing along to. I can see why she’s so popular.
I’m not going to spend thousands of dollars on tickets to an Eras concert but if a pair fell in my lap I would take Mini Me and enjoy the evening.
Saying I don’t like them are harsh, more so they don’t move me at all, and after 3 hours of the Eras Tour movie, they all started sounding a like to me, I expected and wanted a lot more energy.
I actually remember her on an episode of CSI… 15 years ago. But until watching the movie, couldn’t identify any of her music by title or sound
Kind of like ZZ Top!!
You need to take that back right now.
AC/DC maybe, ZZ Top? Not even close.
Beach Boys, but I like the sound
My kids all hate Taylor Swift’s music, so we get a mix of Olivia Rodrigo, Weird Al, and Livingston instead.
Well, old white guys aren’t exactly her target demographic so that tracks.
She is undeniably immensely talented though. As a writer, musician and overall performer. And a genuinely good person.
If you haven’t seen it, watch her SNL monologue from when she was a teenager. The story goes that when they brought her in with the writers to figure out her opener, she offered to sing them a song she’d written for it to see if they liked it. They all agreed it was better than anything they had written for her and went with it. She was 19
I don’t know much of her work - I’m an old guy who only has sons - but a friend with a swifty daughter said that, in his opinion, she’s a good songwriter and an okay singer.
It does seem like she puts on a good show though.
actually, ultimately it becomes a shit plan
Well, if he ate the dog and doesn’t want to have to put the effort into starting from scratch…it would make some sense to wait until the morning coffee has done it’s job, and…
The classic version of this joke comes from challenging dorothy parker to use “horticulture” in a sentence.