Political Humor Thread

Well, we’re looking at this very closely, and it’s a shame what Biden has been doing there, clearly he doesn’t understand it but we have, like, very smart people, super-smart people looking into this and I can guarantee we’ll handle it quickly, quicker than you can believe, and it will be so beautiful. Unlike Sleepy Joe who would never answer that question without a teleprompter, Sleepy Joe, or like I made up recently, Jacked-Up Joe, did you see him yelling at that speech a while back? Just yelling, and yelling, and using a teleprompter…


I think if he knows juuuust enough, he might call it a shithole country.



Trump Dehumanizes Migrants By Referring To Them As Dons And Erics?



Funny, cuz he is in a war against an imperialist!


Fox “News” in that group? That is funny.


That one made me laugh too. That’s how you know it’s not a standard Republican meme, it’s a full-gone “Fox News is liberal RINO trash” MAGA meme.


As someone who thinks both parties and their candidates are trash, I just thought it was funny.

I see a lot of Trump jokes ITT, injecting a little diversity.


Oh, I wasn’t mad at it. It’s just hilarious to watch the biggest go-Republicans rah-rah network be considered liberal trash over just a few years.


Yeah, I wouldn’t know. I don’t watch Fox

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Leave NPR out of it

Joe Rogan?

I think if Fox is deemed too leftist by someone, the main sources these days are OANN and InfoWars. Newsmax is the new “fair and balanced” for the far right crowd.

Hey i know someone here who doesnt watch FoxNews…

I sometimes watch his show. Some guests are funny and/or interesting.

Based on discussions i have had with a few people that fall in the group, it isn’t so much a left vs right motivation. It is more of a compete loss of any trust of the mainstream media, which can come from both the left and right sides of the political spectrum.

I find they all say a lot of the same things. They don’t watch fox news, they don’t like democrats or Republicans and will probably call them all clowns, and they are science skeptics on several topics that they think are purely political and exist to divide us.

There are reasonable points that underlie a lot of these views, and covid really drove a lot of this home for them as they found an unlimited number of anecdotal stories to validate their own research.

There is irony in all of this that is really frustrating and exhausting. We are all part of the hive mind and set in our ways because of the main stream media, while the free thinkers have all seemed to line up with the same conclusion set through this non traditional approach.

But they are also usually aligned generally to the right on a lot of things. Covid, trans issues, education, the environment. A lot of them have also found some sort of fairly inflexible diet/ health routine. I think most don’t like Trump because he is an asshole, but seem to fit well into his world otherwise.


Also add: Breitbart is still acceptably right-wing, Truth Social is a drip-feed directly from Daddy Trump. Since Parler shut down I’ve seen MAGA Boomers return to their old Facebook accounts, Glenn Beck is still on AM radio (I know, it always surprises me he’s alive too), and even Twitter is becoming acceptable to MAGA again now that Elon is declaring cis a slur, pushing Great Replacement Theory, and otherwise generally trying to turn Twitter alt-right.

Oh, I nearly forgot Epoch Times. It’s such a laughably biased outlet that I sometimes forget they’re in the broad umbrella of “news”. The Washington Examiner and National Review are good ones for the “I Am Very Smart” crowd who are enlightened above the rabble of InfoWars - your Andrew Tates and Jordan Petersons.

Sure. There are lots of acceptable news sources to the far right that aren’t exactly mainstream. Breitbart definitely is. Daily Wire, Daily Caller, TPUSA, Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck…

For many you can also add the full on white supremacist / white nationalist websites.

So, an ignorant question. Am I right in thinking that it’s looking like trump is actually within days of having stuff seized?