Political Humor Thread

So was that by Kennedy in general, or by Harris/Biden on the “Trump” vaccine in particular?

I’m unclear what the question is asking.

Just a try at some revisionist history, it looks like to me.


Fixed, cuz it is sad.

But, I had to try to look it up.

Yes, Biden/Harris did not trust anything that Trump says about the vaccine, and that should be standard procedure regarding Trump and anything he says. So, good advice from a future president.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both warned Americans this holiday weekend to be skeptical of anything Trump says about a potential coronavirus vaccine, saying they’ll take their cues from scientists and not the president.

And of course, this is the BS response (but I repeat myself) from Trump:

Driving the news: Trump is attacking Biden and Harris for expressing concern that the president might accelerate the introduction of a vaccine for political reason.

  • On Monday, Trump called on his opponents to “immediately apologize for the reckless anti-vaccine rhetoric that they’re talking right now.”

Hey, idiot: it was not “anti-vaccine.” It is anti-you. And again, great advice from the future president.


I get it. But, I’m sure there’s a version on right-wing sites that says “I was told by the sheeple that the people who didn’t get the vaccine would be dropping like flies by now.”

Maybe there have been 600,000 covid deaths since April 2021. That would be 1 in 500 Americans. Most of us don’t have 500 close friends and relatives. So most people haven’t seen those deaths.

Oh, it’s just a twisting of them saying “trust scientists over the ‘bleach up your asshole’ guy”?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both warned Americans this holiday weekend to be skeptical of anything Trump says about a potential coronavirus vaccine, saying they’ll take their cues from scientists and not the president.

That seems… entirely rational. I’m not sure I trust the “it’ll all go away in the summer” guy either, in retrospect.

oh, they are dropping. MSM just doesn’t want to report it. thousands upon thousands of deaths from the vaccines.

i was literally told that word for word last spring by a guy I do work with. oh well.


He’s not wrong. A lot of people die all the time. Vaccinated ones too.

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I have a friend that believes this stuff too. He sent me a list of “elite athletes” that had died from the vaccine. A quick inspection of the first few were some beer league softball guys that had heart attacks in their 50s. I pointed out that overweight guys in their 50s have always had heart attack deaths, but he was having none of it.

Its all one big cover up, just like the election.


We’ve gotten far afield from humor, but …

Trump’s language around the vaccine is an example of one of my biggest frustrations with his Presidency. I have a number of conservative beliefs, and there are many issues on which I agree with his stated goals. On every single one of those, his handling of the issue was grossly inept and ineffectual, and the problems all occurred when he injected his own ego and opinions in place of what his administration would otherwise have done.

With the vaccine, Operation Warp Speed helped accomplish a lot, and should have been a huge PR success that resulted in easy re-election. The first stage 1 clinical trial started within a week of the first local lockdown in the US. Public distribution started in record time. Had Trump, as well as scientists at the FDA, said at any point over the summer that clinical trials had started in March, and that we had to see what the data was but there was a chance of a vaccine roll out in October, then people would have been accepting of it.

But instead we had months of CDC and FDA scientists being told that they couldn’t hold press conferences and that only political appointees could. And had Trump making claims that the vaccine would be ready by October but not providing any reason to believe that. And yes, muzzling scientists while claiming a huge success caused skepticism, and rightly so.


Try this:
“So, what I’m hearing is that everything that doesn’t agree with your predisposed mindset is a lie and a cover up and a deep fake, and, am I missing one of those phrases?”

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 12.12.37 AM


An externally driven crisis like covid in general is just a massive opportunity for any leader to become very popular and erase a lot of bad history. W bush had an instant 90% approval rating on 9/12. Trump could have easily been reelected based on the vaccine success alone, but even without it on the horizon should have had no problem turning the situation into 60%+ approval ratings by acting like a normal human.

Instead he constantly reverted back to bullshit and chaos, wanted to cry about the China virus and take shots over the George Floyd protests.

It’s some combination of ego, dementia, maybe low intelligence. Regardless, his behavior during 2020 needs to go on the list of greatest political disasters in history.

And it only got worse after the election!


So very very true. It’s his own arrogance that did him in.


I might despise Trump, but I can easily see a world where I’d give him great credit for his handling.

Nobody knew shit for a while, but what we needed was compassionate pragmatism - not assurances it’ll all go away soon, oh wait no but it’s just a flu, try using bleach, oh wait there’s a vaccine? I made the vaccine, it’s the most perfect vaccine. BIDEN’S VACCINE WILL KILL YOU WITH MAGNETISM

No if you just go underwater, magnets don’t work in water.

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Oh when I was around vaccine skeptics who I knew to also be Trump supporters I would loudly sing his praises on Operation Warp Speed and call it “Trump’s vaccine”. Not so much now, but in 2021 for sure.

And to be fair, Operation Warp Speed is a highlight of his Presidency. I assume that most of the progress was made in spite of him, not because of him. But since the sitting POTUS gets both all of the credit and all of the blame for whatever happens during his tenure…



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To be fair, had Hillary Clinton won in 2016, she also would have been pushing to get the vaccine out prior to the 2020 election. That’s just politics as usual, and the absolute least troubling aspect of Trump’s entire presidency.


And dementia and low intelligence. A smart arrogant person wouldn’t have screwed it up like he did.