Bonus points for providing the link to the original thread.
Parrotty thread - works in progress. Post your African Grey pics here
Parity thread - works in progress. Is it political or software?
How to heel - my thread about trying to train my pup
Although weather is impossible to predict, I assure that sometime in June, the Atlantic Ocean will be host to Bill the Killibluster.
Elf-driving vehicles: Are they good enough to save Christmas?
Should I ask for my bosses roll?
He got one on the side when he ordered his salad, and I don’t think he’s going to eat it
Stupid and fat in New York
Grifted in NYC. I am beginning to think this isn’t a Rolex, should my wrist be green?
Android’s new enormous cock
Word spoilered as NSFW
Wife extender woes. - does a marriage license need renewing?
I’d subscribe to that.
Favorite professional farts
Any legendary crop dusting stories you can share?
“Why is the BBC so big??”
90 day burping challenge
Mannoyed Thoughts:
Had it with manspreading? Been mansplained to once too often? You are definitely mannoyed.
Commercials that mannoy me
All beer commercials.
I’ve got some personal ties to the Swedish Bikini Team, so I can’t hate them all.
Hanoied Thoughts.
I’ve been thinking about The Domino Theory: If Vietnam falls, is China next?