Old NY Newspaper clips

I think I’ll use that last paragraph in our next employee evaluation.


price volatility in milk

from the same 1878-04-05 issue




the editor seems to agree with me about crappy jokes


Just an FYI, I sometimes put the clips here:

Bump… I have in my possession a 96-year-old newspaper from the date of my father’s birth.
Once I read it (seems perfectly cromulent), what should I do with it? I honestly do not want it afterward. No sentimental value, really. Just fun to see what was important back then. One editorial is about “The Government should step in and control oil/gas prices,” because they were too low!

Relevant to this thread: though not a NYC paper, there is an article about what is going on in NYC. I guess people thought it was the Center Of The Universe back then, too. Or, it was just filler. I’ll see if there is anything about Chicago or Philly in the inside. (This was on the back page, and it is quite delicate so have not read pages 2 through X-1.)
Front page headline is about a local dentist that was acquitted of a murder charge. No, not The Cleveland Press of the 50’s, since he was not exonerated until the mid-late 60’s. I assume they got it right the first time, and that this paper was not readying the rope for this dentist throughout the trial.

That reminds me, they updated the old NY newspaper archive site:

I went to a webinar months ago about the updates.

Your kids might want it when they’re older. So, keep it.

My spouse gave away her mother’s fine china set, those things that everyone used at thanksgiving dinners when everyone came over. Ornate, and not dishwasher safe. Went and replaced it with a huge set of ikea, because nobody cares what plates they’re eating on, and our family gatherings are the epitome of informal. It’s not like I sit at the head of the table (well, I do that) and carve the turkey in front of the family lol.

So where was I going with that? I think that set was worthless right now, but quite possibly in another 30-40 years, my daughter might have appreciated having that set of dishes from her grandmother. But, too late, it’s at the thrift store now.

One of our neighbors died and had an estate sale, so we went over and got all the Crown Royal china they had. We use it for our everyday (I wash our dishes by hand already).

I like eating on fine china. It really classes up the Hot Pockets.

(obviously I heat it up in/on something else)


Call it a Poche Chaude: you know, all hi klass and :poop:. :+1:

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Made by Chef Mic.

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I mean, I suppose we could/should kick this off to another thread, but I think I got this from an Alice Walker short story about a quilt, called “Everyday Use”

where there were two daughters, and one would “properly” value it by hanging it up on a wall

and the other would actually put it on her bed and use it to keep warm

And some comments from Miss Manners re: fine china in terms of many people never using it, as they never had an occasion they deemed important enough for which to use it.

So I told Stu that I wanted to be eating off our china all the time. We have bought china from estate sales, but we also have our wedding china, and china we bought from Lenox from factory outlets and even seconds/thirds that have defects (and we can see the defects – Stu used to work in the china department of Belk’s in Raleigh).

This stuff is mass-produced, really, though of higher quality of what you’d buy at Ikea or Target. Just eat off it! I grew up eating off Corningware. I think it’s great eating off pretty plates.

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(and no, I don’t eat Hot Pockets)

But I do eat Jamaican beef patties, which isn’t too different

I like them spicy


So hoarding?

Not sure where my mom’s Lenox china went. Probably at the estate sale.
I have my grandmother’s set that we use on nice occasions.

Well, sure, if it actually added up to a lot. It all fits into our china cabinet, and things are in heavy rotation.

That’s the thing - people use their china cabinets for display as opposed to actually storing china that’s in regular use. Our china cabinet was built for the house in 1900, into the dining room wall, so it’s of an appropriate size when people had larger families. [and it actually swings open into what had been the butler’s pantry, but is now our laundry room/upstairs pantry]

Now, if you wanted to talk about my book situation…

No, i do not want to discuss your book situation, we just got rid of 500+ books from the family library, as no one had room to keep it in the family.

Okay, let’s talk about -your- book situation then

I dont have one anymore.
Will go to library to check out A Confederacy of Dunces for a reread.

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:heart_eyes: Love me some built-in cabinets.

We don’t have a ton of china, but we do have a load of Fiestaware that we use daily. That feels fancy enough for me.

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If you like Jamaican beef patties you should definitely try a meat pie (preferably from a bakery) when you go to New Zealand/Australia. Jamaican beef patties are the closest I can get to that experience.

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nice choice.

I posted elsewhere, but my spouse gave away her mother’s fine china set. Couldn’t be bothered using it anymore at family gatherings since it had to be hand washed, and my spouse is pretty hell no on that. We went and bought a large set of Ikea dishes that we use for gatherings now. Lol, no idea why we don’t just use our every day dishes, but nope, our fine china is now ikea.

Ikea is great. I have a full kit of ikea dishes that serve 12 for our hunt camp. In SL’s world, we eat off the same dishes at hunt camp as we do at fancy family gatherings lol.