Official Pokemon Go thread

Ridiculous that she isnā€™t here.


Iā€™d been gathering butterflies without doing anything special. I got to where all I was missing was 2 Continentals, but it stayed that way for about 2 months. I finally took a couple minutes and friended someone in Sweden and completed it over the weekend.

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Some data collector apparently finally noticed I occasionally look up pokemon go info. YouTube is now bombarding me with pokemon go ads. Iā€™d never even seen one before this month,

I think this is idiotic, as it seems unlikely that Iā€™d be looking up pokemon go info unless I already played pokemon go. Hmm. Maybe they DIDNā€™T notice I occasionally look up pokemon go info, which, I suppose, is even dumber.

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I have never gotten into battle league. Seems super glitchy and not that interesting to me, although I know thatā€™s the most fun part of the game for many people.

I finally hit 100 battles today. With 67 wins, should I be doing it more?

Iā€™m not one to ask. I believe Iā€™m at about 8 league battles, 5 of which were this weekend because of the timed task. I won 2 of the 5 without having any idea at all what I was doing. The other 3 were probably for tasks, too.


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She who shall not be named wanted to post this

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Angela Collier on the physics of pokemon evolution

Is DipoDots someone I know from here? Weā€™re one day from best friends. Wasnā€™t sure if you were trying to coordinate. Or just trying to accumulate several folks to knock out multiple at once.

The reduction of gifts you can have has made an odd difference. In the past, I typically had 20 gifts to give at the end of the day. Now I seem to always have 0. It takes more effort to do what was easy for the past 3 years.