Nosy, annoying, too friendly, female, retired, widowed neighbor

I probably missed this part, but let me see if I understand correctly…

  1. [Something happened that pissed off Wife]
  2. Wife texts you that you’re an a-hole.
  3. You edge their yard.
  4. Wife texts you from Husband’s phone, mildly flirtatiously.

So … when did Wife decide you’re not an a-hole? Why (other than the fact that she appears to not be committed to her husband) do you say Wife is a bitch?

Just trying to understand what I missed. There is a lot more drama on your street than mine, haha!

throw a hot 50ish single dude who works out into the mix and shit gets wild fast!

There certainly seems to be a lot of edging going on

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One day Russ (my neighbor who helps me with my garden - really good guy) and I were in the garden doing some stuff when I get a series of text messages. I first ignored them but the volume was telling me it may have been important. So I looked. There were strings upon strings of long text messages from Bev (the widowed neighbor who moved to FL but has been staying over at Tracy and Conway’s home recently). I put my phone down and said “oh Bev, I aint got time for this rn” under my breath. Russ overheard and said something crude about her.

Next day, Russ brought Tracy and Coway over some veggies from his garden. In the conversation Russ says to Tracy “Troy gets annoyed when he gets text messages from Bev”.

Next thing you know, Bev gets word of this, starts sending me out of context messages about “all the things I am saying about her behind her back” and Tracy is also calling me an Asshole.

I blocked them both. No need to defend myself as their minds are made up.

I talked to Russ though. We are good. He knows better not to start that shit again.
But Tracy should also have not told Bev that at all! What a shitty friend. (1) It wasn’t true, (2) what good can come out of it? It’s like she’s trying to lower bev.

Both Tracy and Bev’s voices are erally sweet. But they are nosey, spiteful, treat me like a child type women. I wan choppiong wood one day for a bonfire and they were all over and Bev says to me - “Thats not how I chop wood”. I handed her the axe and sat down and said “Bevs turn to chop wood”. She couldn’t swing an axe BTW.

I shouldn’t call them the “bitches”. I apologize for that. I won’t say that anymore.

Hmmm, there is a single guy up the street… maybe kinda hot… not aware of any drama involving him though.

There was drama next door when the 80-something yo guy died. His kids apparently hated the 50-something yo wife, and booted her out of the house right quick and the place sat vacant forever before the kids finally sold it to a flipper. The kids also apparently screwed over the lawn guy (who was also my lawn guy) by not paying him to mow the lawn while the house was vacant, causing further drama.

There’s finally new neighbors in there. They’re kinda weird but friendly.

And now Tracy is flirting with you using her husband’s phone?


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And my biceps were dripping with sweat because it was arm day that morning…

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Why does Russ get a pass for telling Tracey but Tracey doesnt get a pass for telling Bev?

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This sounds like Melrose place after they all got older

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I think that is between Bev and Tracy, not me and tracy. If Bev would think of it like a normal human being she’d realize what kind of friend she thinks she has.

Both the ladies stopped over last friday as I was getting ready to leave for a weekend NC trip. They brought me over a warm plate of burrito-like dish. I asked them if I could freeze it or keep it till Monday in the fridge. I just kept it in the fridge. Ate it on Tuesday and Wednesday night. Good stuff.

I dropped off the washed out container they brought it in around 7:20 this am. I said to them:
T-: If I return this clean does it come back with more food?
Bev: You liked it, I didn’t like it.
T-: Yes! I made some spanish rice with it and some veggies that Russ gave me.
Bev: You added those to it? Why?
(I knew this was going sideways, that’s what she does…)
I realized “JUST:” :wink: then that I had a 7:30 meeting that I was late to
T-: I gotta get to a meeting that I’m going to be late for, see ya later…

Oh, so you’re flirting back and encouraging this? Ok, things are starting to make more sense now.


look at you, pressing buttons and getting the ladies all a-flutter at 720am!


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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So not flirting…really? Am I?

Eh, “If I return this clean does it come back with more food” sounds flirtatious to me. :woman_shrugging:

I guess the tone / delivery matters.

ETA: and I see that in 36 minutes already 3 people agree with me, so it seems I’m not alone in thinking that.


What does this mean? She gave you food she didn’t like?
“Let’s get T-Roy!”
“He won’t eat it. He hates everything.”

Then seems put out that you improved it?
Your response should have been: I need to eat my veggies every day. Keep me strong (strike a pose, make the granny panties drop)."

Not flirting? You basically asked for sex.