Okay somebody explain me this because in the absence of price caps there should be no such thing as a food shortage because as the supply of food goes down the price just goes up and reaches a new equilibrium which equates quantity supplied and quantity demanded and therefore there is no shortage, you just have fewer people buying food and then presumably dying of hunger.
Is there a word to describe the negative impact of this or something? Apparently shortage isn’t the correct word I guess.
Food shortages don’t have to be defined by economic concepts to be called food shortages. There is a definite food shortage of chocolate chip cookies at my house right now. But saying the law of supply and demand moving prices to adjust demand is really thinking of demand in a transaction sense, not demand in a human longing or physical need sense.
Maybe what you are thinking of is a collapse of markets. Conditions don’t allow a free market to operate/the necessary conditions for a economic market to operate don’t exist. Starving to death is a fairly strong compulsion to “transact”.
To me Food Shortage / Food Scarcity (short term); Food Insecurity (never sure when your next meal might be on a regular basis) - are regional issues, not world issues
There is enough food in the world, getting food to where it is needed is another issue - and little more than an issue of money