Mother loses custody because she is unvaccinated

So you think the small chance the kid gets a serious case of covid is more important to protect them from by traumatizing them by taking them away from their mother.

The kid’s wishes don’t matter at all?

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I don’t know much about Chicago but it says the mom lives in Pilsen and the dad lives in the South Loop. Does that mean anything to anyone about what these people might be socio-economically?

Google tells me that Pilsen is
79% white collar,
average household income ~$64K,
median household income ~$50K,
63% of homes are rented,
71% Hispanic, 19% white, 6% black

Not sure the race/ethnicity of either parent, btw.

South Loop is
93% white collar,
average household income ~$110K,
median household income ~$103K,
59% of homes are rented,
46% white, 26% Asian, 22% black

I would. I’m terrified of covid and very pro-vax, but I’ve looked at the data by age, and the risk to kids just doesn’t seem nearly large enough to take a kid away from either parent. I think losing a parent is hugely damaging to a child, and the bar to removing a child from its parents should be very high.

Er… only if he wants custody because he wants to be with his kid. Rearing a kid is an enormous commitment, and the custodial parent bears the brunt of that. I know a lot of custodial moms who are grumpy that the father gets “vacation time” (every other weekend) with the kids, and they have all the school and work and daycare and medical/dental appointments and chores and …

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To be clear, I think that the child has a much higher chance of losing an unvaccinated parent to COVID than they do to getting or suffering from COVID.

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I’m late to this thread, but I saw mention of the case on Reddit.

Something I didn’t see mentioned as I skimmed the comments here was that the mom in question lost custody of the child several years ago; this was a suspension or denial of visitation rights.

I’ll admit that my initial reaction was that this seemed excessive, at least given the headline-level details…but my position softened a little given:

  • The court has an obligation to look out for the best interests of the child in these cases, and this particular child is not yet eligible for the vaccine; and
  • Apparently it is currently common practice in some courts to do things like make bail terms or minor sentences contingent on vaccine status, as a way to encourage folks to get vaxxed.

I agree that it seems excessive at first blush, and I’m not necessarily upset that the decision was overturned…but I’d leave open the possibility that there are other details not in the brief stories I’ve seen that might make this seem less excessive.

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yeah, idk in that case. she might be a shitty parent otherwise to have lost custody to the father. i don’t like the vaccine being used as the reason though.


Maybe I should go back and remove the spoiler from my quoting an article that talks about what the judge said about nurses in another case where he questioned a parent about their vaccination status “out of the blue”.

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I kinda wrote off the “out of the blue” comment as being a quirk that some judges have.

In the next few days, I’ll be appearing (over the phone) before a probate judge. When I met with the attorney to review and sign documents ahead of my appearance, I was cautioned “we will get one of two judges; if it’s this judge expect [stuff]; if it’s this other judge expect [different stuff]”.

Given that context, I can very easily imagine a family court judge having vaccination as their “thing” when it comes to questions asked, etc.

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I’m not saying he’ll be happy once reality sets in, but there are a lot of noncustodial parents who aren’t really aware of the full ramifications of that and think they would prefer full custody. He also could earn so much more than his ex that a nanny at his place would be cheaper. Or, you know, there are parents who half-ass it and simply don’t do a lot of the more stressful parts. Or maybe this is one of those rare “easy” kids who do their homework on their own etc.

he could be doing this out of spite. a lot of divorced people are really spiteful assholes.

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Wow, I’m pretty pro vaccination, but this seems really wrong (not disputing the accuracy, but the morality).