Mocking poor grammar, spelling, and word misuse for our own amusement

no ragrets


I saw a headline on the bottom line of ESPN that said Brionna Jones resigned but she actually re-signed.


Not a fan of heteronyms. Put a fricken’ en dash in there! eEpecially when the word(s) is (are) used quite frequently in sports.
I don’t want to get into a row over it, though.

What about a paddle?

Would you get some roe over it?


Never had caviar, but how does caviar compare to this

It’s a boatload of difference… YSWIDT?

whatever floats your boat

I don’t think it meets the eggs acting standards.

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see, when I see tattoos like this, I think they done messed up, because something like this should be mirrored, so that when Trailer Park Tony over here looks in the mirror, he’ll actually have the reminder that he’s trying to achieve.

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I really hope that’s photoshopped.

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I am thinking it is a sign for English speaking people in a foreign country

The sign on the wall says “save money” which is obviously English.

The one at the counter is harder to tell… might be Spanish or part Spanish part English???

s/b “we want to insure all customers have they’re privacy” right?

your wrong.

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Get a brian, mor_an.


We want all customers to have private insurance.

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lots of Wal*Marts in the US have signs in Spanish as well as English.

The pic above could easily have been photoshopped.

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