

My kids were very not impressed that I didn’t let them pick up the never-been-touched-by-humans 5-6 week old kittens. Probably because I was picking them up - to get them out of cowering in the corner on top of each other to get away from… the kids.

guys, I might become a cat person. At like 2am last night, I heard a loud meowing cry. I’m like, wtf? was that a cat? was it the tv? muted the tv, still heard crying cat. OMG, IT’S IN THE HALLWAY! opened my door, and indeed there was a cat sitting there all alone with the cutest crying meow I ever heard, looking at me desperately to help her! wasn’t sure what to do. like why is there a cat in the hallway alone at 2am and who owns this cat? told my doorman. he figured out who owned said cat and called them and woke them up and the cat ran back into it’s apartment.

In recent years I considered myself a dog person, but then I see adorable things with cats and wonder. pretty sure i’m still somewhat allergic though.


My partner was mildly allergic, but honestly has gotten through it over time. If we leave for more than a week they’ll take some Claritin for a day.

I was very allergic as a kid. In recent years I’m not around cats enough to know for sure, but it wasn’t quite as bad as it was when I was a kid the few times I was. Stayed over some houses with a cat as an adult and was mostly fine outside the one time I wound up sleeping in what i was later told was the cats bed! As a kid, my neighbor had a cat, and would often have to just leave her house at points because my eyes were itching horribly and nose running.

I got tested for allergies when I was 21 though because I was about to get a dog. It showed me still very allergic to cats then and only a minor allergy to dogs, so I got a dog. Not sure about now. I’m way older than 21.

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You can get allergy shots to help… We couldn’t have cats growing up because of my mom’s allergies, and now she has 3 she rescued when they were born in her yard a few years back. She’s still more of a dog person, but it’s no longer due to allergies.

Also, I love that these three lay in the correct order of their names lol.




Grrr. Biggy is an escape artist. I heard a leap and then scrabbling against the cardboard! I had to stop taking photos and catch him because he hauled himself to the top and was going over.


Haha, that cardboard won’t stop them, I promise.

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We moved the perch away from it, so it’s doing better now.

I think I might actually install one of those fish apps for cats on my phone, they really like swiping at it, which boggles my mind since our big cats have never shown any interest in shiny, reflective things.

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Thought of Tiffany. Not sure what you do about seeing the screen tho.


Our daughter was very allergic to cats, but she wanted one so we got them. After a couple weeks with allergy meds and a couple weeks without she is fine now. They don’t bother her at all. Seems to be something that in some cases can be an adjustment humans can make. There is some info on this out on the webs.

My kitties helping me work


They’re not even on the keyboard, doesn’t seem too helpful.

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The black one was clawing my mouse cord every time I moved it. That was very helpful.

Oddie’s office is in the kitten room, so now that the littles aren’t as scared of us, they use his legs/lap as a wrestling mat. My butt is often used as a launch pad when I’m in there.


Signs I’ve spent too much time in the kitten room…

Conversation with self in dark @ 2 am:
Sleepy brain: “Is that cat, or sweater?”
Sleepy brain: “…”
Sleepy brain: “Definitely cat.”
Sane Tiffany: “No, that’s stupid.”
Sleepy brain: “No, it cat.”
Sane? Tiffany: “Okay but it’s black and white, and that doesn’t make sense. The black and white cat is supposed to be locked in that room right over there.”
Sleepy brain: “It black and white cat.”
Insane Tiffany: “Yeah wtf is that cat even doing there?”
Insane Tiffany: “…”
Sleepy brain: “Yeah, it sweater.”

Also, hello from Melo.



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I’m intrigued by your mouse by the way. If you don’t mind me asking, is it designed for a physical disability or you just prefer it?

(If too personal and you want to DM me, I’ll delete this)