
So I fostered three jerk cats for 2 weeks and they turned out to be the least jerkiest cats the SPCA could have possibly given me. Dropping them off was le sad:

Now I have these jerks:

The kittens are obviously fine since they are barely past hamster phase and growing (too) slowly into drunken sailor phase. Mom however, is an actual jerk. I’m thinking of calling her Fera (for feral). Babies names are written on the paper as Kit 1 and Kit 2 - which looked a lot like Lot 1 and Lot 2. I was going to call them Flora and Fauna (not a great boy name), but currently calling the boy Tonka (Truck) since he is out pacing his smaller sister by a lot.


Can’t imagine what things Fera is posting on the GoCat board about you!


I got back from an 8 day trip today. I was feeling a little snoozy after my 6 hour drive back, so I took a short nap. Got some wonderful cat snuggles in bed to welcome me back.


We inherited a cat when my sons gf moved in. It lives in the basement full-time. Some evenings it’ll creep up to the top of the stairs for a few minutes then head right back down. Seems to hide most of the day.

That seems unhealthy to me, I don’t like the idea of a confined cat. Maybe it’ll get better over time. I hope so.

Officially calling them Tonka (left, chonky) and Sasha (right, smol). Being dropped off on Saturday in anticipation of our cruise vacation. Mom continues to gremlin under the couch when humans are present.


Left/right-you’re referencing head-position, right? …and not body position, right?

I must know so that when I meet them I won’t call them by the wrong name. That would be embarrassing.

Lol yes

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I got this big pillow thing that the cats love


Off the Mark by Mark Parisi for May 08, 2023 - GoComics ← Linky linky

Off the Mark by Mark Parisi for May 08, 2023

‘Our’ cat is barely coming out of the basement (this is the cat that moved in a month ago with my son’s gf). This morning she was sitting at the top of the basement stairs. I said Hi, she immediately went back downstairs. Still pretty skittish.
I hope it eventually starts to wander a bit. I’m not a fan of an animal that’s stuck in one room.

It is likely the cat investigates the house at night.

Put a camera inside the house (pet cam) and you can see if the cat is exploring at night.

If the cat is exploring at night, I would not be too worried.

If they don’t leave the basement at night, I would be concerned as its likely pretty scared of the new surroundings.

I told him he couldn’t walk on my keyboard so he did this.



My neighbour’s cat was sitting on his front step likkin’ hizzelf. :roll_eyes:

We got one of these for our cat this winter and she loves it. Got it for 2 cats, but they have called a detente wherein the elder gets the warm bed and the other gets the top of the tower.

However in a recent act of unwarranted aggression in the coming heat, the elder cat has begun taking the tower, causing fun shenanigans. Neither of them will truly attack each other but they’ll get into hissing bop matches between the top and the next rung down.

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Side note: It’s great having a dog and dog door.


We built an outhouse for our cat with a catdoor. It’s great having all that business outside.

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