March Madness 2023 (a.k.a the annual Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament)

So why is UA posting results when he doesn’t have throws from everyone? At what point is someone eliminated for not submitting throws? Are there dates & times I need to be aware of in terms of getting my next set of throws in?

Some people have already completed four games and I’ve completed zero!

He treats each pair as an independent game. Once he was throws from both participants, it’s announced.

In your case, your partner apparently hasn’t submitted any throws.

IIRC, the usual rule of thumb is to have throws submitted within two business days of when your partner submits their throws. Although for this first round, he gives a bit of leniency and will poke the bear if they’re lagging in their due diligence.

You could always poke the bear yourself.

I believe there are a couple of reasons. Imagine starting out with 0 information. He will check submissions every so often (this ain’t his day job). When both of a pair of competitors have submitted, he determines winner of the game. When he has time, he updates results. If someone hasn’t submitted after a reasonable amount of time, he shows this as part of the update to help prod them to not forfeit.

Oh, ok, so I’m not going to log in tonight and discover I’m eliminated. The worst that can happen is I’ll lose game 1 and owe UA a new set of throws, right?

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Players are always welcomed to give a sequence of throws (with simple conditional requirements for what set of throws to use given a recent occurrence).

I’ll be tied up today and tomorrow with family activities and won’t be able to check in during the work day. So I’ve given UA some instructions of what to throw so that the game isn’t held up on my account. Once I’m back on for a while, I can always rescind those instructions and submit my throws in the customary manner.

If both your opponent and you have submitted enough 5 throw sets to come to 4 wins for one person, you may find the match has ended. UA might draw out the reveal for suspense, but that’s totally up to him.


And if someone has been diligent all along, that “two business day” rule isn’t hard and fast, just a reference that players expect some level of ongoing engagement from other players that have committed to the game.

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Don’t worry, I was equally confused (I stopped giving throws after game 1 thinking I lost). But now I’m clear on the rules.

Dang. I got swept in the first round last year. Not looking good. :oh_noes:

I’m the one playing WishBear, who is submitting throws reasonably timely and unfortunately submitted winning throws in game 2.

It sounds like we’ve got the new folks all up to speed now (and thanks everyone for your help! :+1:), but here’s the summary from the first post explaining how the game works.

As always, we’re always glad to have new players, and many find that this is a great March diversion, so hopefully we’ll see all you rookies return next year as well - the more players, the more fun! :tada:

And now that we’re three days into the tournament, things are starting to get interesting!

Quick Summary:
:oh_noes: :oh_noes:

That’s right - we’re now up to TWO players who are just one throw away from being eliminated! If you’re one of those two, you’ve still got time to come back… just don’t make any more bad throws - not a one! No pressure at all! :cold_sweat:

Otherwise, we’ve hit some weird timing where most of the matches are halfway done, so lots of *'s out there… which suggests there’ll be a lot more action in tonight’s update (and FYI, it’ll be another very late update, but hopefully not very, very late like last night :sleeping: ). But in the matches that were completed, one region was full of efficiency (3 games of 1 throw), whereas another region was all about excitement (1 game of 3 throws!). I’m thinking we’re due for a 4-throw game here soon as we get deeper into the opening round pretty soon…

Keep those throws coming, and good luck all! :+1:

SteveGrondin Region

BruteForce defeats IPD in Game 2, series tied (1-1)
P-S-P BruteForce

StevGrondin   ---- StevGrondin   

IPD         1
BruteForce  1


NmrclNeurot 0
Klaymen*    2

twig93*     0
Doctor_Who  0

Vorian_Atreides Region

VorianAtrds   ---- VorianAtrds  

MayanActry  2
Tiffany*    2

MtnHawk*    3
Kid_Rock    1

Whiskey     2
1695814*    1

soyleche Region

A_Student defeats meep in Game 3, A_Student leads (3-0)
R meep
P A_Student

OutdoorAct defeats JohnSMill in Game 3, OutdoorAct leads (2-1)
R OutdoorAct
S JohnSMill

SteveWhite defeats WishBear in Game 3, SteveWhite leads (2-1)
S WishBear
R SteveWhite

soyleche      ---- soyleche   

meep        0
A_Student   3


OutdoorAct  2
JohnSMill   1

WishBear    1
SteveWhite  2

Snake Region

JFG            ---- JFG

skysn93*    1
Actuary321  2


ALivelySed  0

Echo           ---- Echo

Key: * indicates throws submitted; # indicates throws need to be turned in or you will be booted

Glad I zigged when IPD thought I was going to zag

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Must’ve submitted my game 3 throws literally as you were typing this one up.


Apparently quoting the previous post is a “no-no”. I suppose it’s implied. But that’s not always assumed on message boards. Especially a generic post like mine.

My post above says one edit. I did not edit it. When I click on the edit, it says: " system just now — Automatically removed quote of whole previous post."


Oops thought I had submitted. Did now. :popcorn:

You can quote a portion of the post right about yours or make a trivial change, such as adding or deleting a period. Otherwise the software attempts to “help” by editing out the quote, which does appear exactly the same as a user edit.

It’s kind of annoying, but you get used to it.

Certainly we’ve all done it.
