Lowering Cholesterol

A lot of this stuff will be based on how consistent you can be with it from day to day. The easier it is for you to follow, the better.

One typo fix (as I worded the sentence badly)

Oxidised LDL and VLDL are two different things. Circulating LDL can be oxidised as can VLDL. Free radicals (due to inflammation) is what does that (LDL to ox-LDL and VLDL to ox-VLDL) Anti-oxidants help to reduce the damage from those free radicals.

Its obviously impossible to reduce inflammation to zero in the real world, but a combination of better diet (less inflammatory macro-nutrients and environment) and anti-oxidants, can achieve an internal balance if done right.

My sister has Lupus so I had to study this in detail in order to help her out a bit.

My Total was a little high (30 points or so). I started eating more red meat, more eggs, and more raw milk. I also started walking 3 miles each morning (about an hour).

The next checkup Total was under 200. All the sub categories are in line.

Walking is magic for your health.

Not on statins or any other Rx meds.

I’ll be 66 in May.

I need to do this, but have small children to weaken my resolve to participate in other basic movements associated with life in general.