Last Week Tonight

Modi won the Indian election.

:party: :party: :party: :party:

I thought Modi’s victory was never in doubt.

The question was how much his party would win by.

(Apparently the answer to that question is shaping up to be “not as much as much as folks expected”.)

Sometimes the world just needs a benevolent dictator once in a while.


You must get episodes of John Oliver’s show earlier in the US than Canada does? The latest episode we watched last night on HBO was about farm subsidies. It didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.

What is your source? Do you have HBO (cable) or MAX (stream) (my source)? Or are you waiting for his YouTube excerpt? Not sure when the YouTube is posted, but this week’s episode on India’s PM might not be put up until the India PM can block it, or all of youTube. That’s a huge market of people not seeing ads, so Google needs to think about it. He even acknowledged it in the piece and told people who wanted to pass the episode along where to guide those potential viewers.
(Kind of like how England cuts pieces of LWTwJO when it is critical of the monarchy.)

We watch it on HBO cable. Will check again later this week since it seems he is talking about one of my least favourite politicians (Modi).

The name of the show is Last Week Tonight.

The name of the show is NOT “Last Month This Week”.

But I know the 1980’s didn’t become popular in Canada until the 1990’s, so they are naturally behind the times, but perhaps they are catching up.

Do you have a DVR of some sort?
Is Canada’s “cable” turning more into streaming than a box and stuff? Both of my choices have gone that way, so I dropped, but kept MAX subscription, which also includes TCM and a bunch of other Warner/Discovery content (meaning, nearly everything that has ever been on those channels is available).
If you subscribe to HBO, you should also have a MAX account, unless Canada is different that way.
If not, then check the listings for the next time it is on, and get out your VCR.

On tonight on HBO2 (West) at 8PM Pacific. Or 6/6 at 4PM on HBO2 (West).

There are some trends that I would prefer never arrive in Canada!


Not so fast…

Looks like Modi’s coalition will maintain a majority, but his party (BJP) lost a ton of seats and may not have a majority on its own. Exit polls in India seem to be very unreliable.

Based on what happens to people who publicly declare their opposition to the PM, I’m not surprised that what people say how they voted versus how they really voted differs so much.


Max in the US ran S11E13 (Indian Elections) starting the night of Sunday, 2 June. S11E12 (Corn Production) is dated 19 May. If memory serves, episodes become available on Max at the same time they initially air on the US Eastern feed of HBO’s primary channel (late night). (streaming) has S11E13 dated 3 June, and S11E12 dated 20 May. I don’t know what time they start streaming.

I can’t quickly find a Canadian cable/satellite TV listing that includes HBO.

HBO uploaded the body of S11E12 on Thursday, 23 May. However, I recall that they can be a little bit random about how long it takes for them to upload, and of course they normally only upload the “Main Topic”, skipping over the intro where he goes over current events.

I was a teenager in the '80s and even though my generation is supposed to think it was the best decade for music, I think it sucked compared to the '70s, '60s and even the '90s. Movies from the '80s were really good though.

Most folks think the music was the best in the decade they were teenagers. My teenage years were all in the ‘60’s but I think there was great music into the early ‘70’s as well.

My kids think the ‘90’s had the best music and are dismissive of the decade before and after. They all liked the ‘60’s stuff as well though.

1939 is generally viewed as the greatest year for movies but 1968 was the best in my lifetime imo.


I graduated high school in 1990.

I think the best mainstream music decade was the 10 years centered on 1940, although I’ve also grown extremely fond of some non-mainstream music from the past 10 years.

I agree that the best movie decade was the 1980’s, measured on an “average enjoyment” basis.

Best TV decade 1994-2003.

Cake Bears segment a bit weird but funny

Yeah, but I like when he tangents off to obscure yet silly matters like cake bears, koala chlamydia wards, banana statues, erotic rat art, naming rights to sanitation plants, etc. Sometimes those tangents are not as funny, like his erotic fixation with Adam Driver

John Oliver had fun with the Vance cushion story. Vance will undoubtedly provide him with more material in the coming weeks.

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To make more cushions?

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Had never heard RFK Jr speak before. Did not realize he suffered from spasmodic dysphonia.