Last movie you've watched

Murder Mystery 2

Pretty much like the first one (and, in fact, most of the remaining characters from the first one return in this one). It’s the kind where you have a smile on your face through much of the movie and you’re kind of embarrassed that you do.

I enjoyed the first one. Looking forward to this second one.

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Sensationalized for sure. Wasn’t what I was expecting. But Tetris was an enjoyable movie. One of the few non-Ted Lasso shows I’ve enjoyed on AppleTV

Bullet Train. Lots of fun, lots of blood.

I had read the book a while back. Most of the movie is fairly close to most of the book. One major change was their casting of the Prince (and I’ll ignore the other controversial non-Japanese casting). By their choice, they were able to completely remove the recent back story and the tormenting of Kimura and cut a huge chunk of time off. And, of course, the movie went extremely Hollywood for the final 30 or 45 minutes.

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Dungeon & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

I was very happy with the overall plot line and the acting. It certainly brought back memories of playing the game when I was (much) younger.

Action sequences looked good and fun. Special effects were very good. Loved the battle with the fat dragon.

I would watch it again.


Murder Mystery 2 on Netflix. What vjvj said. I laughed out loud in many places, but is only a so-so movie. You get what you would expect.

10 Minutes Gone on Netflix from 2019. This is somewhat important as it stars Bruce Willis and with what we know now about his health, we could have seen it coming from this mess of a movie. It also stars Michael Chiklis. This may be the worst acted movie ever. The story line was OK, bank robbery gone bad and trying to find the leak, but it was so overshadowed by such horrible delivery of lines. They would have been better if they simply read the script right off the page.

The Sparks Brothers

I really liked this, in good part due to the music, plus its just a nice movie about two people keeping true to their art despite long periods where they were underappreciated. It’s a documentary about Russell and Ron Mael of the band Sparks. I was familiar with them from their album Kimono My House and more recently discovered Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins, but hadn’t realized they’d continued on with 25 albums over the past 50 years. The movie captures the quirkiness of them and their music, and their innovation. It makes me want to seek out their albums.

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Agreed. It was very good.

“No Time To Die”

It was OK, as far as Bond films go. Far more character development than probably all the other Bond movies combined, well, except for the villain.

The Menu

Not exactly my kind of movie, but it was ok. It’s one where, in looking back, you could see how it could have ended up being really bad, which is a testament to the main actors.

But I’ll never look at S’mores the same way again.

I get the s’mores from a final course idea and a visual aspect, but it seemed to me that it went kind of contrary to much of the idea of how he thought his life had gone wrong. In my head, at least, s’mores aren’t that different in some way from the cheeseburger, except maybe that s’mores are more personal/social and generally not related to the service industry.

Babylon (Netflix disc) - A bit of a hot mess of a film with some really good acting. It will keep you interested, but a bit too in your face at times. All in all I ended up liking it. Surprised no nomination for Robbie.

Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris (Prime) - Cute, nice film.

Sharper - apple+
Vengence - Amazon Prime
Knives Out (re-watch)

The Black Phone - good suspenseful horror movie. Ethan Hawke was great and the story was well done.


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Just watched it with my party. Good fun. Nothing amazing, but captures the spirit and humor of a good game.

We brought our little kid too, since she enjoys D&D guides, and it maybe the most violent movie she has seen, so not ideal.

Uncharted - kind of meh. I lot of big names but not great writing and the stunts and actions scenes fell flat and unbelievable for me. Seemed like a bad knock off of a mashup of Indiana Jones and National Treasure combined.

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Just watched “Arrival” again on Youtube. I’ve always liked Amy Adams.


Violent Night

Yet another one that I feel embarrass for liking. This is 100% predictable, very violent, and very gory, but somehow it was done in a way that I found myself laughing during the most gory violence. It’s also pretty amazing because the only character that is likeable at all is the little girl. Actually maybe that helps the movie since you wouldn’t mind most of the characters dying.

I think they dragged it on a little long and the pace at times slowed way down, but it wasn’t enough to kill the movie.

The end of Santa’s final fight is telegraphed, which is a bit annoying. They didn’t trust that the viewer would get the idea without getting beaten over the head.

And I guess they had to do something, but the Santa’s-dead, now everyone one by one says they believe in Santa, whoops-that-seems-to-have-brought-Santa-back-to-life, thing is just far too cliché even for a movie like this.