Kroger, Albertsons to merge into amazingly mediocre grocery store

I['m not sure of the percentages, either. But we get groceries mostly from two smaller chains, and also from Whole Foods, Trader Joes, with supplements from a Chinese and an Indian grocery store.

Woah. Woah. Woah. Iā€™m sorry, you have a pickle store??? That is freaking cool.

We are roughly:

60% local grocer
30% Costco
Then a smattering of the butcher shop, farmerā€™s market, occasionally the Asian market, and Hy-Vee. I used to shop more at Hy-Vee but my last few trips Iā€™ve been disappointed with them. They are chronically sold out of bagels, and the prices are quite high - about 20-30% higher than my local grocer.

I sometimes go to a fishmonger, a cheese shop, and some bakeries/bagel places, but Iā€™ve never seen a pickle store.

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spoused up?

ETD: oh youā€™re not ao fan

We had a cheese shop near us in Colorado, 'twas amazing. Never lived near a fishmonger but Iā€™m totally jealous. My FIL is a part time rancher, so we are able to get free range, grass fed beef in large quantities. Not many advantages of living in Kansas but the beef is legit at least.

Itā€™s October

nobody wants to dress as me

Oooh, forgot to add to my list:

Bakery 1
Bakery 2

And just got back from Trader Joeā€™s (which I missed for the first time) and another Italian market ( we like their fresh mozzarella)

We do a lot of grocery shopping.

Too many Taylor jams

I mean ham

I havenā€™t bought any Taylor ham (ā€œpork roll,ā€ screams my wife) lately. Gut a sandwich from the deli, but havenā€™t bought any from the grocer in a while.

Add to my list:

A few different farm stands.

TIL that Piggly Wiggly is an actual grocery store and not just a made up one in movies.


[Carnac the Magnificent] Piggly Wiggly

[opens the envelope] Describe Kermit the Frogā€™s wedding night

[CM] Sis-Boom-Baa

[opens the envelope] Describe the sound a sheep makes as it explodes

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The merger of Piggly Wiggly and a grocery competitor wonā€™t happen due to name issues.


Harris Teeter seems like a poor match, as Wiggly Teeter did not test well in random surveys

I remember my sister and I cracking up over the Piggly Wiggly trucks we saw on a cross-country road trip back in about 1981. From California so weā€™d never heard of it.

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