Usa isn’t an occupier.
The USA has had its share of natives which US citizens are now living on the land the natives once used.
The USA has had its share of institutionalized racism.
If it’s not subjugation when the US does it, it’s not subjugation.
The whataboutism is strong in this one.
So you think making people show they are trying to work to get welfare is subjugation? That was what the conversation was about.
It was not about that. It was about occupiers saying that. Leave and let them
Be and see what happens.
I’m not sure Israel wants to try “see what happens”. If you’re comfortably in another country, that’s a lot easier to say.
Oh, and that was what you said, that making people work for aid would be for the purposes of subjugation.
That’s the whole problem of occupation right. You need to do it forever.
Israel wasn’t occupying Gaza - they withdrew in 2005. It was only after October 7th that they took over parts of it again.
Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinian people. They care about destroying Israel, and they will gladly sacrifice all the Palestinians to do so. The main job of a government is to take care of its people. That’s why Hamas needs to be eradicated - not just for Israel’s sake, but for the sake of all the Palestinian people.
The only thing missing here is
- stripping the poor of everything they have,
- screaming at them to get their shit together and figure it out,
- shutting down every opportunity they may have to do that, then
- blaming them for still being poor and rolling out some narcissistic “look, they had their chance and they’re not doing a goddamn thing, they must like being poor so they deserve the shitty treatment everyone wants to pile on them” statement.
Which, that’s pretty much what is going on right now in Gaza + the indiscriminate killing and maiming of people by an occupying force that sees the people there as sub-human.
I think we need to stop starting things at October 7. That’s just a lie. Israel bombed gaza from 22 September 2023 to 24 September 2023. We can go back as far as 1948 if you want. The problems hamas complains about are the exact same as the ones plo complained about. Israeli treatment of the Palestinians has never changed.
The humanity has been lost in this conflict. There is no real peace to be had. These people want to exterminate each other. There has been too much bloodshed and pent up animosity. It’s not possible to co-exist at this point. So this conflict will just linger on forever as the international community tries to temper Israel.
I don’t know why you extend this to include every Palestinian or Jew.
I have said it before and it is worth repeating here. That is not a unique scenario. We have an oppressor and oppressed based on land dispossession. This happened in Africa during colonialism but here we are today. These issues have been solved before.
I need to extend this so that you understand a bit more. Israel helped the minority governments in South Africa and Rhodesia(Zimbabwe). Zimbabwe had a policy of reconciliation but the one country they did not forgive immediately was Israel. So Zimbabwe and Israel had no ties at all from 1980 to 1993. But Zimbabwe forgave Israel and they are ok now.
The key problem here is that the US is currently arming one side with sophisticated weaponry far beyond their current capabilities. As has been seen in the stories that have been posted, the IDF is very far from being a professional army.
I would describe them now as a dysfunctional reservist militia with religious tribalism thrown into the mix.
If the US stopped arming them with offensive munitions the conflict would become less destructive. Its easy to kill people with 1,000+ pound bombs, but it gets a bit more difficult when you don’t have them supplied at will.
So its important to understand why the Israel Lobby (and its supporters, enablers, and apologists) keep this going.
I only see one side dead set on extermination here. And it certainly isn’t the Palestinians.
Found this amusing because this all started because of a social media post in which the chap boasted of killing a civilian and desecrating the corpse.
It was subjugation.
when you are ready to deal with reality, let me know.
I deal with reality every day. What I don’t do is twist myself into a veritable pretzel trying to excuse the mass murder of women and children.
The apologists on here are effectively defending this now.
And no, there is no excuse left for this behavior. None whatsoever, which is also why the ICC has indicted Israel for attempted Genocide.
Do you really have no idea how serious that is?
This type of moral rot is corrosive and it needs be forcefully challenged.
So once again, this is the reality:
What % of the population of Gaza is women and children? 75% assuming 50/50 M/F and 50/50 </>17? IIRC, Gaza has a really low median age.
When 75% of the deaths are women and children, that suggests that Israel isn’t doing much selective targeting of militants.
Not really.
If the % of male/women&children is spread out at say 25/75, and you destroy entire buildings you would end up with these results.
What is a war crime is the deliberate targeting of infrastructure while ignoring the collateral (civilian) damage.
Israel has committed gross violations of the rules of land warfare because it has targeted militants (many times without solid proof) and killed their entire families inside a building (or buildings).
Thats how you end up with lots of dead women and children, because they are hardly mobile.
Think about what the US military would be faced with if they behaved the same way. Their officers would have been brought up on serious military charges a long time ago, because their higher ups operate within an actual professional military structure.
In Israel, they are making these decisions with impunity. There are literally zero consequences to killing 100+ Palestinians with bombs if they just say that we were trying to kill suspected militants.
And that is not ok.
I said both sides want to exterminate the other side