
I seem to be doing ok on the doxepin. Adding an estrogen patch tomorrow night.


Spoke too soon. I am dragging today big time. Off to take a short nap in my car.


Well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.

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I’ve had some sleeping insomnia for a while. Bad enough that I’m falling asleep through the day. Never quite sure why, I figured it was stress though stress doesn’t normally bother me.

My sons gf is a bit more holistic than I am, so she pretty much forced me to take a pedialyte, sort of a Gatorade on steroids. Which is baloney, I eat well and balanced and don’t really need vitamins or other stuff.
Except I think I was wrong. Within an hour of drinking that, I haven’t felt better in a long time. Two days later, I still feel great. Not tired, energised, back to my old self. Woke up way early this morning fully rested and ready to go.

I must have been missing some element, I dunno potassium or something. But one thing is for sure next time I’m lethargic I’m gonna have some more of that new age witches brew.


Sometimes it is good to be proven wrong.


@twig93 recommended some vitamins to me a while back when I was feeling off and I bought them skeptically, but they really do make me feel much better! Our bodies are weird, complex systems.


Oh good, I’m glad they helped!

Curious about the vitamins. I’m taking an iron supplement with B12, vit C and other stuff. Then I am taking D3 & K2 at night.

I’ve tried magnesium for sleep in the past but it made no difference. Dr said if magnesium were the problem it should have helped right away.

Doxepin was great when I first started taking it. I gave it 2 weeks and then added the estrogen patch. After a week or two of that I was back to being tired in the afternoon even though I was sleeping plenty. Stopped the doxepin and only averaged 5-6 hours of sleep. So now I’m trying every other night with the doxepin. I’m on the lowest dose and it’s a capsule so I can’t cut it in half.

Slept well last night even though it was my “off” night. So here’s hoping this is the magic formula.


Happy to report in that now that I don’t drink (44 days in), my insomnia is… pretty much gone.

I used to be able to take double doses of sleeping pills and not sleep, now I’m pretty much normal. I take melatonin before bed (which used to have no effect) and I’m out in 30 minutes.


On Sunday night my husband accidentally(?) shut the door to the bedroom and I ended up waking up when the sun came up and not even one time did I have to wake up to go to the bathroom or get a cat off my face. I was SHOOK.

Then of course last night I went full hypomanic on a great idea I absolutely had to write down at 3 AM and also couldn’t sleep anyway due to OddSox’s comically loud snoring. I full out laughed myself out of the room. He’s got to be sick or something.


Fell asleep around 9:30, 3/4 of the way through the new matrix movie (I am incredibly bored by kung fu, it turns out, and I have a lot of nostalgia for the original trilogy, but no interest beyond that), and woke up at 4:30. Hoping to go back to bed for another 2 hours…


I got another maybe hour.


My thoughts are keeping me up tonight. Thinking about the profession, salary erosion in particular, the frustrations of dealing with leadership with outdated views on the career, as someone on the front lines of entry level recruiting.

I need a change, in something. Maybe I should stop trying to make any kind of real impact, it’s only ever met with resistance. Maybe it’s better to keep my head down and make whatever difference I can exclusively outside of work. Because nothing at work feels like it even matters, after leadership gets through with it.


Hmm…that’s frustrating. I’m sorry to hear that.

Well, you’ve certainly done this. Your efforts are inspirational and have a lasting impact on those around you. Your dedication to making a difference outside of work is not only admirable but also an inspiration. Keep spreading your warmth and love to the world!



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Woke up to a bug bite on my arm. Seemed like i could feel the bug on my arm so i slapped at it, and it seemed to go up into my hair above my forehead. That got a yelp and i bolted up and out of the bed. Went to bathroom, cause I am getting old. Decided to turn on light to look for the spider or whatever. Good idea. Turned out to be a 2" scorpion. Tried to use a clipboard and cover with paper to lull it to be still. It didn’t like that idea too much so just beat it and the clipboard to death with a framing hammer instead. I won’t be getting back to sleep for a while. It didn’t quite bite exactly where I got the cortisone shot for muscle strain last week, but the arm got a workout with the hammer, so there will be some competing influences later today.



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OMG! So the scorpion stung your arm? I would never sleep again!

I love lizards and (non-venomous) snakes and such, but scorpions terrify me.

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I’ve been up most of the night… today is gonna be un-fun.


So far it looks like it wasn’t much of a sting, not swelling at all (and red marks from the slap are gone too :)). Scorpions are a little more scary to me than spiders by looks, but this was a small scorpion that is basically brown (Southern unstriped scorpion), so not exotic monster scary. Only the 3rd or 4th time I’ve found one in 16 years in this house. I will be worrying about every twitch for the next few days though. Bring on the caffeine, too much work to do.

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