I knew closing my eyes at 7:30 PM was a bad idea, and I did it anyway. Tonight won’t be good.
It’s not really a flash though and I’m not sweaty.i It can last for hours.
Not really sure what a hot flash feels like. I don’t think I’ve had one yet.
I go through a cycle where I get some, then once a day I apply an essential oil on my abdomen that’s supposed to help with hot flashes. Then I stop getting them. Then I forget to use the essential oil. Then I start getting hot flashes again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Mostly when I get them they’re at night and I just wake up a hot sweaty mess. But I’ve gotten a few during the day. You know how your skin feels hot when you have a mild sunburn? Enough to be uncomfortable, but you feel heat more than actual pain. It felt a little like that sensation… hot skin all over… minus the actual sunburn. Then my insides would heat up too, but it started with my skin / sunburn-like sensation.
Yeah I’m not really having hot flashes—I’m just hot. I told my dr it was hot flashes bc when I described what was happening at a previous appointment she basically said my symptoms weren’t bad enough to need HRT.
if you read my perimenopause group, HRT is like this miracle drug that all women should take once they hit perimenopause. i don’t really have symptoms bad enough for HRT and never had a hot flash. my period is just too early. i don’t think HRT really does a great job of regulating that though and could actually make that part worse. i had that chronic fatigue issue on and off, but i really doubt that’s hormone related.
HRT supposedly protects your bones and protects against heart attacks and such. also, it seems that perimenopausal and menopausal women have constant arthritic type pain which can be miraculously cured by HRT. also is supposed to help with insomnia and hot flashes. oh, and brain fog. i think that menopause can cause dementia. supposedly HRT fixes that right up.
i think i need to resist it though as it can cause breast cancer. many of them dismiss that risk. i suppose if the symptoms get super bad, it’s worth risking cancer.
oh, and apparently it’s super common for doctors to resist giving HRT and you have to insist or find another doctor.
Yeah, I’ll probably go on HRT eventually but it’s not bad now.
my mother never took HRT as she had breast cancer at the age i am at now. She’s got bad sciatica. she’s almost 80 though. would HRT have made it that she doesn’t have this issue? She doesn’t have heart issues and I don’t think she has osteoporosis which HRT is supposed to guard against. doesn’t have dementia either. sometimes she has some wtf moments though.
The situation is changing on the quarter hour, kinda like the winter precip forecast. OTOH, I can just go outside for relief.
As in you just had your first one? I’m a little under the weather so I might be prone to confusion today.
Yes I just had my first hot flash where I knew without a doubt that’s what it was.
But then last night I slept like a baby. Still woke up sweating but not until almost 5.
i’m guessing that the hot at night when you weren’t before is a version of a hot flash without the flash part. seems that hot at night might be a thing in my group.
Yeah, that’s been going on a while and why I posted in this thread. I’m giving it another week and if things aren’t better overall I will have to schedule an appointment.
i don’t think menopausal symptoms just get better in a week. i think they just get worse.
my peri group makes it seem that all women my age have these crazy symptoms, but i think my group is likely not everyone quite yet at my age, but it’s coming. it sounds horrible.
but the average age in that group is probably around my age, with a bunch younger and some older.
a few freaky ones in their 30’s.
You jinxed yourself. I’m sorry!
The reason I’m waiting a week is that I’m already on one hormone, but it’s been less than a month. I need to be on it a month to see if things will even out. At first it seemed better but now it’s worse. If it stays worse I need to go in bc this isn’t gonna work. But if I just had a weird few days (today has been better) then I’ll keep doing what I’m doing.
what are hot flashes like?
is it where your skin starts to itch? If so, I’ve had that
I’m stuck in the insomnia loop, napping after work, can’t sleep at bedtime.
I’m going to take a nap today anyway, even though I know I will regret it. Tomorrow is my last day of work for a while, and I can power through!
No, itchy skin is a separate symptom, but it can be caused by hormone imbalance.
Hot flashes are when a person suddenly gets very hot very quickly. It usually goes away pretty quickly.
Oh yeah, I meant getting really hot suddenly to the point my skin itches.
Sometimes my skin itches when I go from really cold to really hot places too, like from indoor AC area to scorching sun.