Improved health and lifestyle from quitting drinking

When I was cutting back my caffeine I’d order half-cafs. If you’re brewing your own coffee you could simply use half decaf and half regular coffee, or whatever ratio you like. Wouldn’t work for a Keurig I guess, unless you make your own pods, but I think you’re not a fan of those anyway.

And restaurants & coffee shops are happy to do half-cafs in my experience.

You know decaf has caffeine right? You could just…use decaf by itself, that’s the point of decaf.

Decaf has extremely low caffeine. 2 mg vs 95 mg for regular coffee

I get really bad caffeine withdrawal headaches. Pure decaf wouldn’t be enough to stop the headaches, but half-caf would.

I mean, I guess I could also just drink half as much, but I like coffee, so…

Try tea!!

Meh… tea is tolerable if it has honey in it but I prefer coffee.

This isn’t meant to be taken as personal advice, just sharing my own experience on this.

Making exceptions was where I failed. I would allow myself one drink “except when…” and then I found myself in more and more situations where exceptions applied, and it was a very slippery slope.

I’m someone who struggles with moderation, so hard rules were what I required. I hope you’re finding success and feeling better!

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Yup, you know yourself best! Although, if you have failed repeatedly, I suppose it’s okay to try someone else’s method.

For some people the idea of never being able to do something is an absolute dealbreaker, so lowering expected frequency is more palatable. For others, that could be a spiraling vortex into failure.

I more meant that my spouse is supporting me by limiting themselves to one drink. However if they’re out with friends and have 3, I don’t mind.

I want to stay sober for a while. After a few months, if we’re going out I might tell them, I’m allowed a single drink. I know them well enough that they’d stop me if I tried to get another.


I like both coffee and tea. I usually brew myself a nice pot of strong tea in the morning. I’ve been cutting back since Rosh Hashanah. And I’ve been doing it by weighing my tea, and then adding as much water as seems okay for that amount of tea leaves.

Yesterday I had half a cup of weak tea. Today I’ll have none.

My husband is a teetotaler. He doesn’t mind if I drink, but he probably would be upset if I got drunk.

I’d be mad if my partner drove drunk or was completely wasted (which I’ve only twice seen them like, in our home). They can get tipsy as long as they’re safe - at a friend’s house, or I’m with them, etc.

what I find extremely helpful is to take a fraction of an edible before you drink. Then you really only need to get one drink to get a real nice buzz that lasts forever and feels great.

rule in my house is that wife can drink all she wants, but cant keep anything in the house that I would drink too.

No booze in the house. firm rule. Whiskey was my downfall.

Beer and wine allowed. I like wine, but that was never my crux. Beer has to be craft brew stuff that I find gross. Which works great, because it gives wife an excuse to buy expensive beer that she loves.

I get angry with wife when she comes home from bars… I know she is not wasted and likey safe, but DUI laws here are brutal. We cannot afford all the BS that would go into a DUI arrest at this point in our lives.

Other than sugary stuff I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t drink honestly.

I would be annoyed if my partner had more than 2 inside a couple of hours and drove. However 2 beers over dinner is NBD to me. Either way I trust my partner far more than myself when it comes to alcohol, they are much more responsible.

2 beers with dinner at bar is our agreed allowable amount for driving.

3+ or bar w/o eating is frowned upon as unnecessary risk.

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This makes me think of the Last Cigarette Ever episode of HIMYM:

Barney: I only smoke on certain occasions: post-coital, when I’m with Germans - sometimes the two overlap - coital, that time of year the Mets are mathematically eliminated, pre-coital, and - wait for it, 'cause I sure have - pregnancy scares.

Ted: Why are you smoking now?

Barney: I’m always pre-coital, Ted.

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Good work. Keep holding yourself accountable.

funerals seems to be the common exception for ex-smokers. myself included.

I always find myself smoking with a group of ex-smokers outside the viewing/wake.

this is also a flask situation for the alcoholics. Funerals used to be 5 drink min event for me.