ICE, ICE baby

[red]I really wish Bogota would fix the spelling error in its country’s name. [/red]

Tweeted by a substitute teacher:

Trump can fix that.

That would be funny if it wasn’t true. :woman_facepalming:

My heart just broke that this is necessary.

The team intends to help children whose parents are deported, especially in situations such as if a parent is taken into custody while a child is in school. The team would work to make sure those kids continue to have someone to care for them and have uninterrupted access to school.

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It’s going to be worse than kids in cages. They area just getting started.

According to this, which maddow included on her show earlier tonight, the military flights are costing taxpayers 10x the charter flights under Biden.

This i guess make trump look really tough. Even if the numbers are a bit distorted, it seems like they are just wasting money.


I’m quite sure DOGE will sort this right out.


US Senate Candidate Sam Parker calls for US citizen Selena Gomez to be deported because she sympathized with migrants:

Shortly after posting the initial Tweet bullying her, he continued,

Inject their tears into my VEINS. I dragged Selena Gomez pretty hard today.

What a big strong man. So alpha.

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Are we deporting dogs?

She ain’t there to deport 'em.


Seems a bit silly to spend extra money to move them there if we are going to deport them to somewhere else.

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I have to admit I wonder if it’s even legal to do that, considering it is Cuba’s sovereign territory.

It’s one thing to divert individuals detained by the military who haven’t yet set foot in the US there, but taking detainees from the US to Cuban sovereign territory, even if it is leased by the US?

(Not that illegality would stop Trump.)

We have a military base there… I don’t know exactly how that works, but I don’t think the Cuban government has any sort of normal governmental authority on the base (like they can’t arrest American service members). No clue how that impacts the right to set up a prison there.

Isn’t this where W kept the suspected terrorists after 9/11? It seemed like they were in a legal Bermuda Triangle of not being subject to any country’s jurisdiction nor eligible for Geneva Convention POW status or… anything.

I assume this is going to be like that on steroids.

I assume since it is a military base that Trump can do some pretty shitty stuff to those detained without much reporting by the media.

Yes, and it’s where we’ve kept Haitian migrants picked up at sea.

That’s the reason for a clause I put in there – the Haitians, the suspected terrorists, and the POWs that we kept/keep there were detained by the military, and never touched American soil. I can easily believe that it’s kosher… or at least arguably kosher… that people detained by the military can be kept as prisoners at a military base we lease. It’s probably implicit in the lease agreement we say is valid, despite Havanna’s claims to the contrary.

However, shipping undocumented immigrants, detained by non-military authorities, from US soil to another country’s soil in an otherwise non-military activity, presumably without the permission of the sovereign nation we lease the base from… that feels like a line might be crossed (not that that matters to Trump).

They need to confess to whatever crime is made up.
Can you think of a better, KNOWN, place??

Great, we’re sending them to our (publicly visible) torture facility. When will we have the next Abu Ghraib?

I’ve been reading the conservative Reddit response. They’re all roughly divided between:

A) This is just temporary until we get flights arranged
B) Trump said this is only for the worst criminals that he doesn’t trust other countries to not release
D) Wait isn’t this super expensive? I don’t want to pay to house and feed all these people. We need to cut expenses and this will cost a lot! Trump needs to find a way to deal with these violent criminals.

Checked out the site as I didn’t know it, rated as leftist but reliable.