I mean, he promised tariffs. Don’t worry, it’s Colombia that will be paying the tariff. And it will create more jobs in America. Maybe Kona will greatly expand their agricultural area.
Juan Valdez can rest easy. Colombia caved to the demands of the Great Cheeto.
Rant: even in English, the country is Colombia. Columbia refers to multiple things in the US.
Fixed. Once again I am reminded that I need caffeine in my system before I post.
I’m still reading between the lines here and saying the initial flights from the Trump administration were not following some established protocol, so they denied it, the two parties then quietly resolved it, and Trump used the whole thing to publicly stomp his feet and then declare victory.
Colombia received > 100 flights of deportees last year, they definitely aren’t opposed. One problem seems to be basic competence and a lack of sorting of the people to be deported. The Bahamas also turned down deportation flights, and I’m guessing the number of people fleeing the Bahamas for the US isn’t nearly as large as coming from central America.
Sorry, fixed. My spelling sucks.
It’s very hard for any country to refuse return to thier citizens. They seem to want some decorum and respect for those citizens, which riles up cheeto because he wants theatre. Too bad he seems to have chalked up a win.
My SIL is Colombian and here on a work visa. She supports Trump while my American brother voted for him. I’d be curious to get her thoughts on this, but we don’t talk much. (She’s very vocally anti-LGBTQ among other things.)
For Trump to get a win, someone needs to take a L, and ignoring whatever he is going to claim seems to be some combination of Americans and Colombians since they now get to pay a tax for his temper tantrum.
Colombia is disposable in Trump’s mind. He is sending a message to others to not embarrass him. I expect the other world leaders will be talking to each other, so there is a path where they collectively callout this bullshit and back Trump into a corner.
Fox News will spin it all as a win. The question is how much this hits Americans financially before they get they turn on Trump.
It sounded like Brazil was pissed about how their people were returned. Apparently they were handcuffed and refused permission to use the washrooms on the plane.
The problem in the information war is that the average American see an illegal immigrant as a criminal and also not a US citizen so their “rights” are unimportant. The pictures of children in cages seemed to cross a line for many Americans, and I think only more pictures like that will begin to change public opinion/awareness that they are in fact humans and should still be treated with some level of decency. That’s of course hard to do when you have a military flight where information is strictly controlled. It’s also a problem the media struggles with because showing an illegal immigrant doing good things while in America puts them at a clear deportation risk, so unless you personally know someone in that situation, its difficult to connect with.
I assume Trump wants everyone to know those people were handcuffed and not allowed to use the restrooms. The cruelty is the point. Creating fear is the point. It’s not as if he’s actually going to deport everyone.
They (those who get news from disreputable sources) won’t even know it will be hurting them.
See: inflation discussion, crime rates, etc.
I think the tariff is already revoked / repealed / whatever is the appropriate word.
So basically confirms Trump made a stupid story out of it to distract it was his side that fcked up.
Do I lack context for the mores of this channel, or is using ICYMI in a White House communication like using TTYL or IMO?
WTF? I swype on a phone, and rarely proofread. Also, my husband used to teach at Columbia University, so that rolls off the fingertips. Ummm. Higher standards… Er …
I think it’s that Colombia is spelled incorrectly.