I Voted

I just got a snazzy “I voted” badge on GoActuary.com that I’m now displaying proudly.

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I’ve created an “I VOTED” GoA badge that should be available to everyone shortly.

If you go to your profile, you can opt to display it in your title if you’d like.


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Awww - there’s supposed to be a little flag next to that! Hmmm … I’ll keep working on it.


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I think I may have been given the I Voted badge though there’s a good probability that I didn’t actually vote. Y’know, what with being Canadian.
But if I could, I’d have voted for Bernie. He’s the most Canadian of all.

Everyone has access to the badge. It’s up to you to display it if you choose to.

To remind other people they can vote, too?

I’ve seen tee shirts from churches and others with recycle slogans. I assume the same idea.

You can remind other people to pay their bills or get up in the morning if you like.

(Mostly I mentioned it because it’s a curious part of our voting ritual.)

I got a free pen – covid and all that.
Instead of licking your envelope to seal it, they provided glue sticks. But, everyone used the same glue sticks, so :man_shrugging:

I requested they mail me a ballot a couple of months ago, before the primary. (I asked for both.) My general election ballot arrived about two weeks ago. On Saturday, i took my ballot, plus the rest of the ballots from my household, and put them in the drop box at town hall. In Monday i checked on line, and, despite the holiday, all of our votes had been accepted. Weee.

So, yes, i voted.

I took a poop today.

Just a PSA for good bowel health.

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Would you like me to set up a badge for that?

It might be popular…

Why not…no sillier than some of the other badges.

My filled out, sealed, signed ballot is sitting on my desk, planning to take it to the drop box at city hall today before 5, or Monday. I hadn’t thought about it not being open on the weekends before I looked up the location, but I guess that makes it less likely to be tampered with if it’s only open during the week when there’s an employee who can keep an eye on it/empty it when full.

Ok. It’s there. I’ve granted it to you.

If anyone else wants, it, shoot me a PM

i’m good with the “i voted!” badge for now

I voted absentee by mail. The on-line tracker updated today to show that they received my ballot and accepted it as properly submitted. Very easy.

Dropped my ballot in the box at city hall Monday around 2:30pm, just got text it has been received and will be sent for signature verification and to watch for an update notice.

Hurry up and count my vote! :ocean:

Just filled out my ballot. Will drop it off at a box tomorrow.

Well that was nice and fast. 5 hours to change in status. Signature verified and ballot counted.