I hate when that happens

Nothing substantial. I broke my collarbone once in a bicycle crash but the adrenaline kind of kept the pain in check (plus I got to take a few days off work). The worst recently is when my new ski boots were too tight and the pain got progressively worse as I went up the ski lift and skied back to the lodge without much control because I was so numb. Of course, the buckle took forever to undo. I do recall I may have went out for one more run (hey, skiing is expensive).

:peach: :fire:

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I Googled this. Thatā€™ll learn me for being curious. :scream:

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In general, itā€™s a good idea to not google anything involving childbirth.

My third kid was transverse breechā€¦ we tried moving himā€¦ then he became footling breech. And then I had the C-section where the anesthesia didnā€™t fully take.


So now you know what it feels like to get stabbed


I believe this is good advice for most medical conditions

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Especially skin diseases

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Worst: Slicing through my finger/tendon, having it partially heal and the doctor needing to bend my finger to break the scar tissue that was in my knuckles (not nearly as bad as most here)
Prolonged: Inflammatory bowel disease. Blood in colon is no fun.

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Mrs. Hoffman had the childbirth where she went from dilated 3cm to delivery in 40 minutes, the last ~15 of which were on her side getting an epidural and the last ~5 of that she was screaming that she needed to push.

She says thatā€™s #2 on her list.

This took me more than a moment to figure out :man_facepalming:

The important thing is that you got it.



A family member had the childbirth where she went from ~3-4cm to fully dilated in about half an hour of back labor, only to discover that her little frank breech bugger had decided to do the splits or something & was presenting footling breech instead, so then she needed an unplanned c-section. Painful contractions were still happening about 30 seconds apart as the anesthesiologist told her to sit still while he put in the epidural.

I think that would be her #1, but I might ask her to confirm.

Same person who told a doctor, rather nonchalantly, that she routinely got headaches that felt like she was being stabbed in the eye. The doctor had to look at her & say, ā€œthatā€™s not normal.ā€

I sprained my ankle a few years ago. The pain was about a 4 or so: it went to about 7 WHEN THE X-RAY TECHNICIAN MADE ME FLEX MY FOOT THIS WAY AND THAT WAY FOR A WHOLE BUNCH OF X-RAYS!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Ever see Swimming with the Sharks? :shudder:

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static electric shock

I am a superconductor of static electricity


:leg: :cry: