I don't get the Haitian crisis thing

About Biden being racist? That is definitely true as he is racist.


Wasn’t the racist part. But I’d be careful about describing their economy as being “in the toilet”.

I thought the accepted conservative term was “shit hole country”

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It is the accepted conservative term, because “shit hole” doesn’t denote any actual color. After all, shit can purportedly be various non-white colors, so who can say which one is actually being referenced?

Never said it was historically, but Pretty far off point, sir.

As a self described “nation of immigrants”, would it surprise you to know that the Native American population stands at less than 3 million? That’s under 1% of the total population. I’m pretty sure that’s low wrt to your other countries listed. But that doesn’t really tell us anything about today.

See, living immigrants counts your grandparents if they are alive and came here after WWII. So not a good measure of how receptive the US compares to other countries wrt humanitarian acceptance of refugees today.

Our trend is decidedly downward, so let’s not rest on the humanitarian efforts of prior generations. Let’s try and live up to those principles ourselves.

One other relevant point wrt Haiti. The US, as a matter of policy, expects foreign powers to refrain from meddling in this hemisphere. It seems to me that with that privilege there comes a higher degree of responsibility. Let’s do all we can to help rather than explain why we cannot.


I know what I said probably sounds cruel while what you just said sounds virtuous. But we live in the reality we live in. The link in the posts below yours shows how high of a percentage of the US consists of immigrants. I don’t care if we’re beaten by Saudi Arabia - those immigrants have shit jobs, will never be citizens, and are close to indentured servitude.

The real question is… how many more SHOULD we let in? Where do you draw the line? The lottery system we have right now is really terrible. I’m OK with merit-based immigration. But the reality is, you have to draw the line somewhere. We’re pretty generous with our line compared to most of the world.

This was a really interesting article.

That’s an easy question. As many as who wants to come. People are going to come here if there are jobs available to them and they won’t if there aren’t, so it’s a self-correcting non-issue.

It looks like we’ve got a couple problems with communication.

The link I posted had the number of foreign born currently living in the US. Like, alive today. Nothing about 100 years ago.

If you’re interested in trends, here’s a trend line for the same data. See Figure 2

The percent of foreign born is pushing close to the numbers we saw in the heyday of Ellis Island.

And, I was talking about economic immigration, you are talking about refugees.

I was responding to:

That statement could be true about millions of people who want to come to the US and are willing to work for very little pay. My response referred to that situation.

You brought up the Syrian refugees. I expect that most of them had acceptable lives in Syria and would have been happy staying there, except that airplanes we coming and bombing their homes.

We’re talking past one another here.

They say that’s racist, but a lot of people here seem fine with it.

Maybe context is important.

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Context does not seem to be the key.

Perhaps you can explain this comment because I can’t see where anyone was fine with “shit hole country”. Perhaps you can also find where Biden said anything even approaching this as it hasn’t turned up in this thread. I’m no Biden fan, the man clearly has faults but you’ve not made the case that he is a racist here. He’s been around a long time, surely you can find something better.

Ted_Hoffman has seemed fine with it.

You mean stuff like saying if you don’t know if you want to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black”, or saying “unlike the African American community, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things”, or saying that Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean”? Or do you mean when he eulogized a former KKK member and said the Senate will be a lesser place without him?

I’m not connecting this to how it factors into Haitians looking to enter the US today. I would be willing to go along with this argument if we were facing scarcity here. But we are not. We throw out more food than the refugees would eat. We throw out more clothing than they would wear (that’s it’s own nasty problem.). The only thing that is ever referenced is “jobs”. Yet employers are complaining they cannot fill open positions. So reality reveals little or no scarcity. Housing is probably the tightest element. So what is the cost involved? What are we risking?

I’m not saying they will have high status jobs. But somebody has to dig trenches and empty bed pans and wash dishes at Buffalo Wild Wings.

And generalized stats wrt living immigrants is not relevant here. That is a cumulative measure. And let’s not behave as though legal immigration absolves us of a moral obligation. It doesn’t.

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How many are you taking in, EG?

resentment from people who hate watching others better their own lives imo


We will probably get pressure to increase immigration after the pandemic. Unless you want $25 Big Macs.

We have 10.9 million job openings and 8.4 million unemployed. We can take in many people if jobs are the concern.

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Dude did you hear about that crazy traffic jam at the LA port where there’s like 60 container ships just not being able to unload? Like maybe if we sent the Haitians over there they could help out or something

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