Hunter Biden Investigation

Mary Trump (niece) is a Democrat, and I don’t know much about Barron but I wouldn’t be surprised if he end up being liberal as he matures. From all accounts it seems like he doesn’t have much love for his father, nor his father for him.

Jr, Eric, and Ivanka of course are grouped into the Republican category. More for the grift they can squeeze out of their useful idiots than out of caring about politics, but nonetheless.

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She has come out against her uncle and is very vocal about it and has been on TV multiple times.

I think Gozar in AZ has had most of his family come out against him. I don’t know if they a Republicans who just can’t stand him or Democrats that can’t stand him, but I assume they have been voting D in the elections he’s been in anyway.

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Dude, that was just to sell books, I didn’t really mean it.

Anyway this whole gun thing seems silly as it’s a statue that’s usually used only applied when there is an actual crime committed and they are trying to increase penalty. But hey I guess it’s technically a crime so his a jury finds him guilty I don’t have any issue with him getting sentenced for it.

That said, I think his other trail (tax fraud maybe? not sure the actual charge but I think it’s tax fraud related) seems a bigger deal and one he’s far more likely to be guilty of an actual crime.

Yeah, it’s about failing to pay $1.4M in taxes which has since been paid. From what I can tell it seems prosecution will argue he intentionally avoided taxes as opposed to accidentally not paying something he should have.

If they’re correct, he faces up to 17 years in prison. I assume he won’t get anywhere near 17, but prison time seems a very possible outcome.

Wouldn’t upset me. Don’t break the law. Zero shits given about his political party or his father.


Given the extent to which the rich and powerful are under prosecuted in this country, I have no problems with Hunter Biden being charged more aggressively than would be typical in his situation. Likewise, I’m glad that the Menendez trial is moving along.


He is entitled to a defense, but his defense seems to be “I didn’t inhale on my crack pipe while signing the form.”


Maybe, but he’s apparently making his first political appearance as an at-large FL delegate to the RNC this year.

BTW, I assume that means he has now become fair game.

I thought he later declined that. But yes if he’s an RNC delegate I would agree that makes him fair game.

Ah. I saw the original story, but not about him declining.

Yeah here was the quote - “While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” Melania Trump’s office said.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, on the other hand, will be on the platform committee at the RNC this summer. Normally her slot would be given to a long term, major player in Florida so I’m sure that there are people who feel slighted by this.

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I wonder if the platform will say anything other than “We’ll follow wherever Donald J. Trump leads us”.


Probably the wrong thread but when you click on the link for “learn more” about our platform on the RNC website it takes you to the 2016 document, so yeah it sounds like 2020 and 2024 are whatever Trump wants is our platform.


As others stated, last I heard he had “declined”, and from chatter I saw which I didn’t bother to confirm, it was announced he would be a delegate before he was asked, and then he said no.

I agree, if Barron was a delegate, he’s fair game to mock. To date he’s only seemed to go to school and be private, and I wish him the best in remaining a private citizen if that’s what he wants. I think I saw him appear on stage once or twice over recent months, for a photo - I can’t fault him for that. I’ve never observed him being a vocal supporter.

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Lol it is absolutely true.

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It is pretty remarkable how distorted this whole Hunter Biden thing is.

  1. I don’t give a shit about Hunter Biden.
  2. Republicans have been obsessing over every aspect of his life ever since Joe Biden came back into politics to challenge The Chosen One.
  3. Federal investigations began under the Trump administration, by a Trump appointee, and Joe later made him a special counsel (I think Republicans also bitched about this).
  4. The complaints that he somehow used his status as Joe’s son to make more money than he deserved tracks with just about every President’s offspring in recent history where the Trump children seem to be nothing more than rich socialites.

But we all know all of that. I just feel like a few brain cells die off every time his name comes up. Maybe that explains /r/republican.


It was actually $15.

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And the closely related “make liberals cry” plank.


The reason for the Hunter investigation is the Republicans are hoping it will lead to evidence showing that Joe did something illegal to help his son. Then they can use that to impeach him.

I’d support that, but so far it’s been a multi-year fishing trip with nothing to show for it, except a few things like “Joe Biden paid for Hunter’s cell phone bills and then Hunter paid Joe back.” I feel like I’ve seen a dozen similar “smoking guns” and so far it seems, at worst, Joe knew that Hunter was making money by legally but unethically leveraging his father’s name.

There’s an alternate reality out there where that would bother me a lot more, had Trump’s kids not been both running his company and were employed in the White House. I don’t mean to say that Joe Biden was the most perfectly ethical person by allowing Hunter to do his thing, but it really pales in comparison and isn’t particularly unusual, nor has it seemed illegal.