Hunter Biden Investigation

So we are in the “no credibility” realm. Whatever floats your boat.

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If that’s the way you want to interpret things, go ahead. In a couple of weeks (i.e. next year), the rest of the media will begin posting the emails as the investigation heats up. But you go ahead and pretend I’m just some crazy nut on the internet reading sketchy sources. I’m comfortable with things being that way.

:laughing:, both at the Fox not being mainstream and at the cutting edge OANN

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“It’s so very exciting and cutting edge and banned that I can’t even tell you right now. STAY TUNED.”

You definitely went to the Giuliani school of rumor milling.

I appreciate that you’re willing to brave the dark corners of the internet to get the latest BIG SECRETS, but if you want us to get excited about them also, you’re going to have to learn to speak our language, which is largely boring, thorough, and direct.

Fwiw, I did google your story, and at a glance it sounded insignificant, but sure you never know.

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I look forward to it.

Which poster from the old AO do we think this jabroni is? I remember there being several, just didn’t care enough to recall their names months after the fact. Some were racist, some were just incomprehensible, there was a solid population of them.

(Edit: if unclear, not discussing you, but the person you responded to.)

Ranger? I’m not sure, but I think there was a Ranger on the AO.

I don’t think he is one of the infamous AO republicans, as he doesn’t post in political 14 times a day.

(which imo, instantly qualifies him as okay-by-me.)

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Oh yeah, I think I remember that username at second glance. Near-certain you’d be right.

He was definitely on the AO.

I wonder what “holidays” he was refering to that we’d see this “interesting” info after.

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It’s QAnon talk. Everything will happen “later” and if it ever happens, they can say they were right. If they ever affix a date and it doesn’t happen, it just means it wasn’t the right interpretation and and it’s still going to happen. There’s never “yeah, we kind of fucked that up, boy were we wrong and don’t we look stupid for it.”

Yep. The day of reckoning where the evil doers will be caught and Trump the savior swoops in is always right around the corner. When it’s not, it’s right around the next corner. You sheeple just can’t see that because you follow the lame stream media not Alex Jones.

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Two weeks after that they’ll release the amazing health care plan.


Eventually they will be right. It will be like that movie “Conspiracy Theory”

That will be during Infrastructure Week.

Ranger was definitely on the AO. I remember him being a garden variety neocon who didn’t like Trump but was fine countenancing everything Trump did.

Hi Ranger!

I remember him more as someone who happened to have opinions that were unpopular with the Echo Chamber.

There were numerous Trump fans on AO. None of them have seemed to have migrated here.
There does seem to be a unanimity of anti Trump sentiment on this site. I actually preferred it when when we had Trump supporters posting, It was so entertaining.

Half the posters in Political were Trump supporters.

I don’t think it was half. Even pre-Trump I don’t think it was half Republicans, although there were certainly more before Trump.

By 2018 when Trump had been in office for a full year I don’t even think it was 10%. They existed, for sure, but a pretty small minority.

Might have been more than 10% of the Political post count though. The Trump supporters were mostly pretty vocal.