Hunter Biden Investigation


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Hang on, who voted for Hunter again? You realize you’re accusing hypocrisy meanwhile DJT legit had almost his entire family in his administration and there’s roughly 0% chance of Hunter doing the same…

Ivanka literally picked up Chinese trademarks on everything from coffins and voting machines while working in the whitehouse. But it hardly made the news because the news was busy.

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Yeah I’ve gotta think strict anti-nepotism laws has to be an easy bi-partisan bill to kick things off.

Although as I say that I’m waiting for it to be realized that it’s massively unpopular with the trump nuts who all want DJT Jr next

Waiting to see Trump go to prison for tax fraud in NY. Too bad for him he can’t pardon himself out of state crimes.

While I think you are correct in that those posts did in fact exist… I believe that at least a portion of the objection was over the issue that Trump was, in fact, NOT better than HRC.

‘this is OK because Trump is worse’

is no longer an excuse to be bad. time to raise the bar.

Reality is Trump is a POS and likely so was hunter. And now we have Joe as potus, who seems like a somewhat capable leader that should never again be compared to either of the other 2.


Agreed, the only wrongdoing Joe has here is being Hunter’s father. It seems like Hunter probably used Joe’s name to knock down doors for sure, but that doesn’t mean Joe knocked them down or approved of it. I guess when they link Joe to something I will get bent out of shape. Right now I am just glad Trump is gone.


I think this is the consensus.

Most people do not discredit our next POTUS over this.

however, we reserve the right to if it Creditable evidence comes out (ie not some sham GOP senate investigation that is really just disputing the 2020 election). And honestly, I might still give him a pass (you get one free get out of jail free card for being the guy that removed trump).

At the time California casts its votes to put Biden over 270, Fox has Lou Dobbs criticizing Barr for not more aggressively investigating Hunter Biden and Newsmax is interviewing the chairman of Georgia’s Republican party describing how the Texas case is still alive.

Did you know that Murdoch has a connection to Putin?

I think fox ratings just dropped like 50% in 2 months. They can go back to being fringe ‘entertainment/news’

I watch CNN and Fox somewhat regularly. Fox certainly lost their edge after the election. The only thing they have to report is how they lost and who’s fault it is, which makes for poor television.

They’ve lost some viewers to OANN and Newsmax, but I think Fox will find plenty of viewers.
I check out their webpage every day. Yesterday the top five stories were all Hunter Biden.
Recently it was all Eric Salwell consorting with Chinese spies. In both cases, Fox has top-of-the page stories complaining that the “mainstream media” is ignoring these big scandals.

Their brand is going to be complaining about Biden and “the squad” and socialists and the mainstream media. They’ll get past the embarrassment of hiring a fact based group to project election winners.

(However, they are in the “time to move on from this election” camp. They’ve got a below-the-fold story on McConnell congratulating Biden as President-elect.)

Today the top stories are Twitter and Facebook execs contributing to Biden campaign, but nothing to Trump. Censorship!

Lots of emails coming out from the investigation. Interesting stuff. stay tuned.

(no I’m not going to provide a link - you can probably find them a FOX and OANN this week, and on CNN and MSNBC after the holidays.

Geez, very presidential of you. A post claiming big news, but there’s not a bit of information in it.

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Did Guiliani just have a press conference then?

I’m not your Google monkey. I have complete confidence in your ability to find the text messages with a quick Google search.

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I bet any day now we are going to get the proof that Obama’s birth certificate was fake that we were promised way back when…

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That phrase really only makes sense if someone else brought up the topic and then expects you to research for them. If you bring up the subject yourself - provide a link (unless you are afraid that your source has no credibility).


Read my second paragraph. It goes back to the OP. Twitter banned this topic (until after the election). Sometimes if you want cutting edge information you need to get away from mainstream media and read other sources (i.e Fox News, OAN). Heck even once in a while the National Enquirer breaks a true story. (No I’m not going to provide a link to that story either but John Edwards remembers it well).