HQ Trivia is defunct

I was alive starting Q11, with an extra life already used. First time in ages I’ve gotten that far. Was tempted to go with the right answer to Q11, with one choice certainly wrong, but went wrong. Q12 would have been a wild guess anyway.

Yes, knew “All your base are belong to us” only from the Rebels.

Serena, I saw that tonight you correctly switched to punt after I chose it. Because I chose it, or on your own? Cause I was pretty much guessing (did have the advantage that it was a football term for sure). Likewise guessing on the Statue of Liberty question, but it seemed like a good guess at the time.

I switched bc you had it and bc T said it at the same time. Lol

Sorry! I knew chia but not goop. :rofl:

Should have stayed with my answer! :rofl: