How many syllables does crayon have?

I like how NJ is very unapologetically red

Oh no the latter maps weren’t as decisive

You just wait till you start having/adopting lots of kids

oh right, I forgot people have kids.

This is me.

One is enough

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When i had kids, of course. But the last three times I’ve used crayons were:

  1. to color in the background on a sheet of paper as part of solving a problem in the MIT mystery hunt.
  2. to sketch a graphic I hoped my son would create for me electronically, because I’m not very good at computer drawing tools, and wanted an image to “label” a computer site.
  3. when i was playing d&d and wanted a picture of my character for the character sheet, and to show the other players.

Let’s talk about how American’s say “sorry” wrong. It’s sore-y, not sari guys - there’s decidedly no “a” in sorry.

Or tomorrow.

Or borrow or sorrow!!

I’ll concede that pah-sta sounds better than past-a.

Guy Fieri thinks vinaigrette and paprika have 4 syllables each. :roll_eyes:

He thinks Fieri has a T

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If it were “sorey” it would be spelled “sorey.”
“sari” is foreign, so we accept foreign pronunciation, no matter how wrong it is.

There are two "r"s, so short sound, not long sound.

The short “o” is an “awww” sound. “sorry”
The short “a” is an “aaaah” sound. “happy,” not “hoppy.” (Or is "hoppy pronounced “hopey”?)
Please make a note of it and use propper (sic for pronunciation) English pronunciation.
(Warning: Pronunciation may vary among the 700 dialects in the country.)
(Actually only 30, but that’s also too many IMO.)

Sorry is pronounced like sorrow

Your :canada: is showing

Then wouldn’t it be sourry?


My WI accent really comes out while I read some of these words aloud

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Yah der hey.

That’s Yooper, not Cheesehead, or no?

It’s supposed to have 2, but when it comes out of my mouth one of them is always missing.

Come here once and I’ll tell ya.