How many of me?

One of several thousand including a non-relative friend; middle initials were required when we were in the same wedding party.

Only 1 of me in the US. Probably quite a few more in other countries. Only about 600 with my last name. I assume they are all relatives of mine.

There’s only one of me.

My first name isn’t particularly uncommon - I’ve known a handful of others - but you don’t hear it every day.

Last name is fairly uncommon, but I have come across others with the name where we can’t figure out a family connection (including a fairly major road in Lima Peru, and the name isn’t remotely Spanish)

20 of me. Two of which work in an entirely different industry. Every once in awhile I’d get an email from a friend who works in that industry for one of the other ones. I also had a phone call once from a lady who claimed I was her dead husband’s offspring (her assumed step-child).

Supposedly about 6000 of me (omitting my middle name, obviously) – and I know two other Mary Campbells live near me, because I have to specify I’m the Mary Campbell in Croton Falls with a certain phone number.

5th most frequent first name; and 43rd most frequent last name.

So while Mary hasn’t been a top baby name in a long while, a lot of Boomers with that first name still live (and, of course, some of us in later generations were named Mary, too)

There are 312 ‘mes’ out there.

I find it odd that you have to certify you are at least 13 years old. Who ever enters ‘no’?


Urban Dictionary (which I can’t get to from my work computer or I would post a link) has a definition that I don’t think you are intending. Did you mean chunker or is this an midwest term?

Apparently there are 5 of me.


Lol. Yeah, I was gonna post that last night, but decided not to. But since you mentioned it…I did a search of chonker and what Goggle gave me as the first choice was “A human parasite that lives in the rectal cavity of a person. It comes out at night and chews off a piece of the hosts a** and returns inside the …”



Chonkers are chubby kitties, do you not meme?

Obviously my husband is not a cat, but he was a cute chubby baby even at the outset.

Not really. I’m old. And I already have plenty of time sucks so I try to stay away from new ones.

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we missed the obvious - Rest In Pieces

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31 of me per that website. Though if you google “first name last name” of me it takes until page 7 for me to show up. Some fancy pants researcher has my name, a website that is just my first and last name, and a bunch of articles all cluttering up my google results.