Home-baked cookie ranking poll

Daddy’s placing a Target drive up order of chocolate chips, Reese’s pieces, and oatmeal.

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  • regular size chocolate chips
  • mini chocolate chips

0 voters

More chocolate with mini chocolate chips, but lack of size symmetry with the Reese’s pieces and M&Ms.

Mini chips aren’t big enough to feel like a chunk of chocolate. Honestly, i like chunks or large chips a little more than regular chips. Mini chips miss the mark, imo, and come off like a chocolate cookie. Which is a nice thing, but not as nice as chocolate chip cookies.

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Good point.

What are carbs

No springerle, eisenkiegle, or buckeyes, bummer. (Not sure if the last is technically a cookie.)

I would consider it more like fudge, though of the peanut butter variety.


People, people, I can solve this once and for all. I will provide my address, y’all mail me the candidates (at least 12 items for each candidate) and I will report back with the winners. It may take multiple rounds, but I am willing to make the sacrifice.

Mods, lock thread.

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Deal. I have never lost a chocolate chip cookie contest.

How do we know you’re unbiased? I think we need a few other beta testers.

I volunteer as tribute!

I also volunteer to test cookies.

Half butter, half shortening, which wasn’t an option. They’re softer, but still have that buttery taste.


Super gooey is ok and better than crispy, but I like them cooked enough that they are actual solids. They should still be soft though.

Yeah, they’re not meant for cookies, IMO.

Mini chocolate chips are for ice cream.

Or if you absolutely must put chocolate chips in pancakes then they’re ok for that too. (But the whole point of pancakes is to serve as a vehicle for the maple syrup, and any chocolate just distracts from the deliciousness of the maple, so this is kind of a waste of chocolate. Although it’d be tolerable if you were deprived and had no proper maple syrup in the house.)

I don’t think I’ve ever been served that. But we used to use half butter and half shortening in pie crust, and now use either all butter or all shortening.

All butter has clearly superior flavor, and is flakier. All shortening can be served to vegan guests. There is never a case when mixing the fats gives a better product.

Cookies are also better with all butter. Of course, i simply can’t understand why anyone wants their chocolate chip cookie to be “soft”. That’s a defect, imo.

(A friend used to bring us chocolate chip cookies made with all shortening for new years Eve. I’d set them out for people to eat. But after being disappointed a couple of times, I’ve learned not to bother eating them.)

This is what I do as well

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You have bad taste and should feel bad. Soft cookies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hard cookies.


There is a spot in the middle, of that spectrum, that is perfect.
Get away from 0-1 thinking.

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I do have my biases, including towards cookies that taste good over those that taste bad. I will be happy to explain my ranking, and welcome my co-judges, @Bro and @Lucy . Despite joking with @Ranger in the other thread, I do like a wide variety of cookies.