Home-baked cookie ranking poll

Soft cookies always remind me of fake cookies, like “keeblers”, which simply don’t taste good. While it’s possible to make a soft cookie that’s tasty, they often end up tasting of not-completely-cooked flour, or lack the buttery goodness that is the point of chocolate chip cookies.

The only soft chocolate chip cookies I’ve had that were truly delicious were still hot from the oven. And you know what… Those same cookies are just as delicious after they cool, and have the added culinary interest of crispiness.

Call me old fashioned, but I like a cookie that will snap when broken, but has a soft and chewy center.

I, too, like a wide variety of cookies, including some that are soft. And i will be happy to give a detailed explanation of my ranking. I look forward to this cookie cook-off.

Next meetup theme is established! Okay, all we need next is a date and location.


Those soft store bought cookies are trash.

Beyond Oreos, thin mint Girl Scout cookies, and milano cookies, I’m not there are many acceptable choices. Maybe Nutter Butters.


My complaint is that they need more filling. IMO there should be a double stuffed version of Nutter Butters. I prefer original Oreos tho.

None of you will be surprised to learn that i enjoy Tates Bake Shop chocolate chip cookies. But i like Oreos and Thin Mints, too. And a lot of the pepperidge farm cookies are tasty. I like Brussels more than Milanos, and they were all better when they were made with tropical fats, but they are good. There are also several brands of shortbread that are delicious. (The ones with a lot of butter in the ingredients.)

Walkers Shortbread Cookies!!! :butter: :butter: :cookie: :yum:

My niece’s bf’s mom makes the most amazing shortbread cookies!!! :yum: :yum: :yum:

They do have those actually


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First tray of monster cookies are in the oven. We were out of baking soda so I had to run to the store. Went through the cookie aisle while I was there and grabbed some double stuffed Nutter Butters.


Most store bought cookies are just awful imo. Girl Scout cookies are an absolute abomination. Are are Oreos. Blech!!! :face_vomiting:

If I was dying of starvation and had to eat a store bought cookie, I could make it on chips ahoy. But not the soft ones. Ick.

Also, the world’s best cookie isn’t listed. I’ll post the recipe.


Well, are your monster cookies done yet??? :popcorn:


I’ve already eaten several.


thumb prints are kinda meh most every thing else works.

Do you ask every time you are offered a homemade chocolate chip cookie?

Eh, my experience is that butter has the superior flavor and shortening yields the flakier crust. Not to mention that shortening dough is easier to work with.

Yeah, I mean this in the nicest way possible but you’re weird. You probably like those crispy Tate’s chocolate chip cookies that my mother buys. Which… they’re edible, but it’s such a waste of perfectly good ingredients.

Worse than mistaking an oatmeal raisin cookie for chocolate chip. :worried:

D’oh! Ninja’d. Yeah, those are so disappointing. Not worth the calories.