Help find a cure for COVID-19, Cancer, Ebola, AIDS, and other stuff

SMASH it! STOP it!

Current ARP unit on my personal laptop is 27.5% after 11.5 hours. I cranked the CPU usage to 95%!!

The forecast calls for a 95% chance of rain in Africa!!!

FORTRAN - Makin’ it rain!!!

Here’s the monthly update on World Community Grid points:

Statistics last updated: 11/29/21 23:59:59 (UTC) [18 hour(s) ago]

Member Name           Points    Monthly
                   Generated     Change
mbplatt          152,740,070  5,984,843
KlaymenAO        147,836,434  2,632,648
1695814           72,773,539    454,182
Macroman          57,040,698    432,534
Wannabe Actuary   56,474,922    546,363
Actuarialsuck     28,749,496    442,107
yoyo_58           25,249,505    922,358
Breadmaker         8,978,972    258,396
meepbobeep         8,801,272     95,555
EffNine            1,743,965     18,240
celalta              654,742     12,056

Available WCG Projects

OpenPandemics - COVID-19
Africa Rainfall Project
Help Stop TB
Mapping Cancer Markers
Smash Childhood Cancer

Here’s the monthly update on Folding@Home points:

Name            Credit   Change
1695814     12,974,180  424,689
Rick_G       9,918,768   27,660
Breadmaker   2,468,335  124,393
macroman     1,735,603   33,445

Typical Folding@Home Projects

For a comprehensive list see

If you’d like to join us in finding a cure for COVID-19, Cancer, Ebola, AIDS, and other stuff, see the OP ( <-- clicky clicky! ) for links to get the downloads

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Go, Rain in Africa!!!

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Got a 14 day badge for ARP!!! :badger:

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So long…farewell…auf wiedersehn…good bye…

Dear 1695814,

Closing summary from Microbiome Immunity Project
Dec 17, 2021 - In this message to volunteers, MIP researchers highlight what the acquired data has been and is being used for.

Thank you for your support,

The World Community Grid Team

Closing summary from Microbiome Immunity Project :

Dear World Community Grid Volunteers,

We have finished the WCG computation for the Microbiome Immunity Project a few months ago, but the research is still ongoing. The wealth of data that you have helped us to acquire is a real treasure-trove for biological discovery! With over 200,000 high-quality unique protein structures we got an unprecedented glimpse into the microbial protein universe.

What have we discovered so far? Here are some of the highlights that we can already share with you:

• We have discovered over 150 distinct new protein folds within this dataset. Folds are unique protein geometries. Identifying novel ones is difficult as many proteins, even coming from vastly different organisms, share many of the same folds.

• We have discovered new structure-to-function relationships. Through their 3D structures, proteins are the ultimate tools of cells. Their shape enables proteins to execute biological functions, such as transport of ions, binding other molecules, or breaking them down. Because of the large number of new, unique protein structures that we have computed on the WCG, researchers are able for the first time to comprehensively study and understand the relationship between structure and function.

• Using MIP data and deep learning tools, we are able to annotate protein functions in the microbiome. The microbiome is important in health, but how the microbiome impacts our health specifically, remains a mystery. Thanks to your work, we are now able to annotate up to twice as many proteins of the human gut microbiome, so that we are now closer than ever to understanding the mechanisms by which our gut microbiome impacts our health and contributes to, for example, type-1 diabetes.

Stay tuned, as we are getting close to finalizing two research papers describing those findings in more detail.

All the best,
the MIP research team

Go! Go, MIP!!!

F*ck diabetes (both types) too!!! :rage:

I and II, too!

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Latest ARP unit on my personal laptop is at 78.229% after 45.5 hours!!! :sloth: :hourglass_flowing_sand:

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:desktop_computer: :computer: :computer_mouse: :nerd_face:

Dear 1695814,

Volunteers donated over 2 million years of computations
Dec 24, 2021 - While we work hard at the transition, we would like to thank everyone that made it possible

Thank you for your support,

The World Community Grid Team

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I just joined then group on my personal pc. When I have a moment I might add a couple of servers into the mix.


Woo hoo!


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And remember this: It’s not a competition, but you are currently in last place.

I Know it’s not a competition, I’ll get whatever points I get I guess.

I’ve got my dev looking at installing it on three servers, and I’ve got a fourth sitting cold in my office. I’ve got a fifth sitting behind a VPN, not sure if that will work.

But yeah, not a competition.

Actually I’m curious how the servers perform. They’re not the latest tech, so I wonder how they’ll stack up against a current desktop. It’s possible that they’re not that powerful.


Interesting. I just did some light reading on this. Looks like the server is roughly comparable to a couple of Ryzen 3s or 5s.

I keep wanting to upgrade hardware but my Dev keeps telling me it’s a waste of money. And I guess it is. Still…

Here’s the monthly update on World Community Grid points:

Statistics last updated: 12/30/21 23:59:59 (UTC) [14 hour(s) ago]

Member Name           Points    Monthly
                   Generated     Change
mbplatt          158,201,198  5,461,128
KlaymenAO        150,160,695  2,324,261
1695814           73,357,240    583,701
Macroman          57,447,149    406,451
Wannabe Actuary   57,109,276    634,354
Actuarialsuck     29,358,871    609,375
yoyo_58           26,219,773    970,268
Breadmaker         9,240,398    261,426
meepbobeep         8,988,519    187,247
EffNine            1,750,671      6,706
celalta              665,057     10,315

Available WCG Projects

OpenPandemics - COVID-19
Africa Rainfall Project
Help Stop TB
Mapping Cancer Markers
Smash Childhood Cancer

Here’s the monthly update on Folding@Home points:

Name            Credit   Change
1695814     13,329,627  355,447
Rick_G       9,944,763   25,995
Breadmaker   2,589,345  121,010
macroman     1,770,648   35,045
GoA_Kenny        9,910    9,910

Welcome to our newest member, GoA Kenny!!! :party:

Typical Folding@Home Projects

For a comprehensive list see

If you’d like to join us in finding a cure for COVID-19, Cancer, Ebola, AIDS, and other stuff, see the OP ( <-- clicky clicky! ) for links to get the downloads

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1695814 messaged me to tell me that I’m not showing up in the folding @ home stats - I’m not in there. But I am a member of the goactuary team on world community grid - I can see the results, I show as a member, but my results don’t show up in the team stats. Any thoughts on why?

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