Happy Thoughts

My son and I are taking 3 uwaterloo students dove hunting this evening. Really looking forward to it, both with my son and three people who’ve never been hunting before. They get pretty excited when they’re successful,.like hands shaking excited.

Because you got a free one at some event…

went to the DMV - read that right.

was in & out in 15 minutes, and I forgot a form that needed to be filled out, so if I mailed it in, I would have to do it all over

Day 29 with the loaner car and I got a call from the dealer. No, my car is still not ready, they are still waiting on the part, they are calling about the loaner car.

I panicked as I was worried that maybe there was some clause that I’m only entitled to a loaner for 30 days or something. No, no, the loaner car needs scheduled service so they want me to bring it in and switch it out for a different loaner car.

Ugh… what a nuisance. But still better than not having a car.


Three uwaterloo students hunting with us last night. Had limited success, but they were definitely stoked on adrenalin. Had a lot of laughs, told some dad jokes despite my son telling everyone not to laugh at my jokes…


I don’t have to do any burpees today!

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After four nights of working past midnight, I took the day off and napped from 10AM to 1:30PM. So glorious.


It’s cool enough to get a PSL at sbux!!! :yum:

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I spent 11 hours in bed.


I spent a few hours going through my clothing and getting rid of everything I haven’t worn in the last few months or even years. I’m up to four full bins and I still have dresses, skirts, and overalls to get through.

I’m not stopping until I can fit all of my clothing into my dresser and closet. I currently (or until last night) have a full dresser + 4 drawers (of 5), and a small closet + 1/4 the kids’ closet. I only really wear about 1/4 of everything I own, and my goal is to get down to a capsule wardrobe (not including workout clothing) before 2023. I still have more to go, but this is a great start.


I should not be held accountable for what you might find.:dog:

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The other household responsible adult was awake.

What does one need for a capsule wardrobe? And what do you do about workout clothes, hiking clothes, special occasion clothes, or the t-shirts that seem to multiply like bunny rabbits? And sweaters? I do not want to wear the same sweater every day of winter but I guess I could.

I have a 1978 closet and a chifforobe (shared by hubby.)

if they are in good shape, put them on Poshmark. My wife did that and we probably cleared about $1,000 bucks over the past year.


I thinks capsule wardrobe is whatever you want it to be, but the premise is that your everyday clothing is all mix and matchable. It generally excludes workout wear and loungewear, but some people limit their wardrobe in every aspect. Other people have two separate capsules - one for work, one for home.

I would have workout clothing not included in the clothing (but would still try to limit the number of tshirts and leggings because I don’t need THAT many), and would also probably keep a cocktail dress and a formal dress for those rare occasions.

I would include sweaters in my wardrobe, probably included with the jackets. But since there aren’t really hard and fast rules…if it’s all mix and matchable, it’s whatever you want it to be.

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Alphas don’t have to open the door.:dog:

Happy thought: a mixture of Dawn dish soap and water kills lantern flies on contact.

20 dead ones on the side of my driveway right now.

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Last term killed me, I had to drop a course and the one I dropped impacted my other course so I did ok in it but not the marks I’m normally looking for.

Three weeks into this term and it’s back to normal. Marks are going to be way up, I’m a week ahead of schedule and getting further ahead as time goes on Pressure is off and I’m enjoying the material. And the prof has posted stuff for most of the term so I can work ahead as fast as I can go.

Interesting prof too. Some of the assignments are not course material but instead are ‘google this mathematician and have some easy questions about them’. Which of course means for us nerds, we end up going down the rabbit hole of stuff that’s not in the course. It’s an insidious way to get students to learn lol.

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This would qualify as a happy thought either way, but I’m happier to see it was posted by a democrat.

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And now you’re using SAT level words like “insidious”. The learning is strong with you.

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